Justin Wren...

MrFluffyHippo -
DiscipleDojo -
FightToLive -
Jason - I fucking LOVE you! Got to listen to the JRE today and just needed to say that!

If there is anything specific the UG could do to help please let me know. Phone Post 3.0

Why don't we get fighters that post here donate some stuff and have a huge raffle and sell tickets and give the money to the #WaterWars!
3 tickets $10 or something like that and have a draw live stream on the UG!
Imagine winning Becs shorts......Priceless!
Put me down to donate some original art if we do. Phone Post 3.0
He does great work.
Uploaded with Imgupr
How did you find my signature piece?? :) Phone Post 3.0

In to donate for the ug water well! Phone Post 3.0

LoganClark - ...is an amazing, inspiring example for all to follow.

Did I do the thread wrong?
Perfect Phone Post 3.0

Jason - I fucking LOVE you! Got to listen to the JRE today and just needed to say that!

If there is anything specific the UG could do to help please let me know. Phone Post 3.0

How about one day where a significant percentage of blue name purchases go straight to Fight for the Forgotten?

Kick ass tonight

HEre we go

..is the reason I'm watching Bellator tonight. Go Justin!

Wren won, thank gawd Phone Post 3.0

Yes!! Huge congrats Justin. Phone Post 3.0


For not fighting in 4 years and having malaria he looked good I forgot how good of an athlete he was. Light on his feet , flying knees... Love you big Pygmy Phone Post 3.0

Will someone post some gifs pls? Phone Post 3.0

5 years away is a looooong time.
Way to go Justin!
That was great exposure for your family!
We will always support you and your efforts!

Those knees are scary! Phone Post 3.0

DiscipleDojo -

I fucking love this pic. Saved as wallpaper on phone. Phone Post 3.0

Krypstonite - 
DiscipleDojo -

I fucking love this pic. Saved as wallpaper on phone. Phone Post 3.0

Awesome. :)

Bump for ug water well Phone Post 3.0

I'm listening to the podcast now. Holy shit that was moving. When he said 5000 kids a day die from dirty water, I knew it was bad but it didn't quite sink in until he mentioned the flags and I nearly lost it.

One thing I noticed is that Justin has a way of telling the Pygmy story without coming across like he's beating a dead horse. Unfortunately a lot of people who take up a cause like this end up sounding like a broken record and it really hurts the cause.

Justin is really the perfect guy for this, when he's talking you can't hear an ounce of self righteousness, he's very humble about how selfless he is and how amazing the progress he and his team has made.

Justin, you're the man and I wish you and your Pygmy family all the best.

Also this OG water well needs to happen, how do we set it up? I've got at least $100 to put in. Phone Post 3.0

In to chip in for an UG well Phone Post 3.0