Could someone let me know where people are training in Kansas City?
What schools are open now? What are the schedules? 2 years ago I left
KC, and at that time there was a group of people training BJJ at the police
academy. Is that still going on? Appreciate the info.
There's a group that I tried to train with last time I was in KC. Sadly circumstance was not my friend I I wasn't able. The guy seemed really nice though. I don't want to post his e-mail publicly so just send me an e-mail and I'll give it to you.
Looks like it's covered below now. Good deal.
311 E 18th Street about 2 miles north of downtown KC. BJJ brown belt instructors (3). We have a close association with the ATT school in Columbia, Missouri and have Dustin "Clean" Denis teach one weekend a month. Very laid back bjj school. Classes 5x a week. You are more than welcome to come train with us!
311 e. 18th avenue, not street
NKCMO 64116
everything else ethan said is true.
There's a great hole in the wall place in Shawnee Mission. It's run by a little blue belt guy named Bryson or Birdsong... something like that. He's Filipino, probably a brown belt by now.
There's a cast of characters there: Julian (gay cuban guy). Watch out for him, he's some San Fancisco mma, one night stand champ.
Sergie (gay russian guy) I think he trained sambo or something.
Jabroni - he's in Brazil right now training for 6 mo. Word is... he might be bringing a GB blackbelt back to KC to run the school. Don't know if he's full on gay, but definately bi.
Ethan - this kid is tuff. He's a cop, working on his MBA, and working nights at Smoothie King. He's following in footsteps of the Gracies and studying Judo. Could be very gay.... with a few drinks.
Rick - white belt. Word is he trains with some guys up in NKC in a secret basement dojo. Watch out for him... he'll slip you the stinky pinky every chance he gets. aka: Gay Rick
Then there's a little black dude, can't think of his name right now...oh yeah, Kris. he rolls in a full sweat suit under his gi. Guy is tough. Full time bodyguard and trainer to the stars in KC. Watch out though... fucker usually carries a knife in the front pouch of his sweat shirt and will cut you if you get him in a bad position. Don't know if he's gay, says he's got a kid on the way... The guy won't pay for his BJJ classes though.
Check the place out... I don't think you'll be disappointed.
lol at sackluv
LMAO Sacklove that's some funny shit. Are you still in Atlanta?
TTT for KC!
Do you accept walk in student for a fee?,like pay a certain amount per class attended, maybe $5 to $7 per class:)
I am asking because ,my schedule changes every month and i can only attend class three or probably four times a month.
we have a $10/ class mat fee for the guys that can't justify the monthly
expense. as always, training has been solid. i urge everyone in the area
to come check it out.
Thanks for the reply :)
Jason, you still have the same cp#?
Anyway, see you guys next month.
same old phone number, same old e-mail, same dope dance moves.
What up KC! Yes, still down in the ATL... though I'm not training much lately. Little burned out. What's new in the KC? You guys are on about your 5th brazilian by now... Give my regards to the old timers
Sakalov-the old timers are all retired for the most part or have moved away. We stopped trying to bring Brazilian in here to live a few years ago. The climate is not hospitable, there is simply not enough Acai to go around, and the surf at Smithville Lake isn't what it used to be.
It is good to hear that ghey BJJ or GJJ is thriving in KC.
where'd everybody go???
I actually laghed out loud reading Sack love's post.
Of course if I see you in Atlanta it is going to look like that scene from the Godfather where Sonny beats on his brother-in-law with a trash can lid.
Altiery!!! PUSSY...wasup? Are you still Dog The Bounty Hunters stylist/BJJ instructor?