ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.
Member Since: 4/26/13
His commitment should be to the fighters he trains daily, not his side project BS book he "wrote" dickriding Conor. Missing a UFC main event for your own book is selfish as fuck.
and is 4 years in his forum not long enough to have an opinion?
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.
Member Since: 4/26/13
His commitment should be to the fighters he trains daily, not his side project BS book he "wrote" dickriding Conor. Missing a UFC main event for your own book is selfish as fuck.
and is 4 years in his forum not long enough to have an opinion?
Wait, this is coach Kav's forum? I thought he looked suspiciously like Kirik!
He's not shit. But he's very overrated. A BJJ coach who parrots every "train smart" mechanism he's ever heard from other coaches, fighters or even Joe Rogan's commentary. And jumped at every interview he could get before Conor had even made it.
He's a businessman who left the martial arts code behind him awhile back, no different than Conor. The fans probably love him, but it's tough to give two shits about him if you train yourself...
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.
Member Since: 4/26/13
And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date. All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.
Member Since: 4/26/13
And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date. All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.
Member Since: 4/26/13
His commitment should be to the fighters he trains daily, not his side project BS book he "wrote" dickriding Conor. Missing a UFC main event for your own book is selfish as fuck.
and is 4 years in his forum not long enough to have an opinion?
lol I'm just having fun. I posted with a legit opinion. Half the posters agree and half call me retard. Just having some fun with the ones calling me retard