Kavanagh is a bad coach

sunderground -

The sparring partner to your cash cow gets to main event a UFC card and neither Conor nor Kavanagh show up.


Conor shows up for a walk out for Michael Conlan.   Doesn't corner the guy who takes all his punches for every large fight.    But has time to record stupid boxing instructionals for "a young fan" on Instagram.   


Yeah, great team.   Great coach.   

Why do you care so much? You seem to know everything about SBG

209ese - At first I thought he was cool, but skipping a fight to do a book tour seems absurd. I thought he was coach and he's selling books while artem loses. He could never create another conor because conor made john kavanaugh. Conor made dillon danis. Conor got artem on tuff and to main event tonights card. Conor could make anyone a star. Kavanaugh is riding conors coattails and is lucky to be along for the ride.


Kavanagh. You guys need to learn how to spell. Between that and 'Connor'. Not that hard to spell. 

Areyerighttherefolks -
sunderground -

The sparring partner to your cash cow gets to main event a UFC card and neither Conor nor Kavanagh show up.


Conor shows up for a walk out for Michael Conlan.   Doesn't corner the guy who takes all his punches for every large fight.    But has time to record stupid boxing instructionals for "a young fan" on Instagram.   


Yeah, great team.   Great coach.   

Why do you care so much? You seem to know everything about SBG

Why do we care about any of this stuff?  I don't know 

Seems kind of crappy to miss a main unless you're really sick or family is sick but I don't know the circumstance. I don't believe it would have helped since Artem seems to fight the same way every time I've seen him. 


ausgepicht -
Easters - 
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.

Member Since: 4/26/13

And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date.  All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.  

Cry more.

LOL,  You have been posting an average of 90 posts a week for 16 years.   When do you have time to train?


You are beating king troll Outlaw'd by Lytle.   He is only averaging ~85 posts a week.   


Being a spectator is hard.  








Easters -
Areyerighttherefolks -
sunderground -

The sparring partner to your cash cow gets to main event a UFC card and neither Conor nor Kavanagh show up.


Conor shows up for a walk out for Michael Conlan.   Doesn't corner the guy who takes all his punches for every large fight.    But has time to record stupid boxing instructionals for "a young fan" on Instagram.   


Yeah, great team.   Great coach.   

Why do you care so much? You seem to know everything about SBG

Why do we care about any of this stuff?  I don't know 

Because I don't like the rising tide of mediocre bullshit.   Go train.

sunderground - 
ausgepicht -
Easters - 
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.

Member Since: 4/26/13

And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date.  All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.  

Cry more.

LOL,  You have been posting an average of 90 posts a week for 16 years.   When do you have time to train?


You are beating king troll Outlaw'd by Lytle.   He is only averaging ~85 posts a week.   


Being a spectator is hard.  








This only proves you have a child-like ability when it comes to math. Let's say it took me a minute to make a post, that includes "TTT"s. That would be 90 minutes in 7 days. And hour and half a week. So you're asking me when do I have time to train with the other 166 and a half hours?


Besides I've been here since 98, so it's even less time.

That makes you a monumental idiot who can't do simple math because his hurt feelings have him discombobulated.

If you want concrete proof, come by my gym and see for yourself. Inbox me for the address.

Otherwise, do something else besides post off topic crying.

sunderground -
Easters -
Areyerighttherefolks -
sunderground -

The sparring partner to your cash cow gets to main event a UFC card and neither Conor nor Kavanagh show up.


Conor shows up for a walk out for Michael Conlan.   Doesn't corner the guy who takes all his punches for every large fight.    But has time to record stupid boxing instructionals for "a young fan" on Instagram.   


Yeah, great team.   Great coach.   

Why do you care so much? You seem to know everything about SBG

Why do we care about any of this stuff?  I don't know 

Because I don't like the rising tide of mediocre bullshit.   Go train.

I train plenty.  Thanks

sunderground -
Easters -
Areyerighttherefolks -
sunderground -

The sparring partner to your cash cow gets to main event a UFC card and neither Conor nor Kavanagh show up.


Conor shows up for a walk out for Michael Conlan.   Doesn't corner the guy who takes all his punches for every large fight.    But has time to record stupid boxing instructionals for "a young fan" on Instagram.   


Yeah, great team.   Great coach.   

Why do you care so much? You seem to know everything about SBG

Why do we care about any of this stuff?  I don't know 

Because I don't like the rising tide of mediocre bullshit.   Go train.

And posters like you are the absolute worst.  Disagree with someone and say "go train" like you're the only person in this place who's trained before lol.  Fuck off.  You're not shit so get off your high horse and accept that other people have legitimate opinions.  

Areyerighttherefolks -
sunderground -

The sparring partner to your cash cow gets to main event a UFC card and neither Conor nor Kavanagh show up.


Conor shows up for a walk out for Michael Conlan.   Doesn't corner the guy who takes all his punches for every large fight.    But has time to record stupid boxing instructionals for "a young fan" on Instagram.   


Yeah, great team.   Great coach.   

Why do you care so much? You seem to know everything about SBG

It is a MMA forum and this is a MMA topic, so just guessing but maybe the poster is a fan of the sport and follows topics as well as teams. 

Easters -
sunderground -
Easters -
Areyerighttherefolks -
sunderground -

The sparring partner to your cash cow gets to main event a UFC card and neither Conor nor Kavanagh show up.


Conor shows up for a walk out for Michael Conlan.   Doesn't corner the guy who takes all his punches for every large fight.    But has time to record stupid boxing instructionals for "a young fan" on Instagram.   


Yeah, great team.   Great coach.   

Why do you care so much? You seem to know everything about SBG

Why do we care about any of this stuff?  I don't know 

Because I don't like the rising tide of mediocre bullshit.   Go train.

And posters like you are the absolute worst.  Disagree with someone and say "go train" like you're the only person in this place who's trained before lol.  Fuck off.  You're not shit so get off your high horse and accept that other people have legitimate opinions.  

I only say that to the nerds with more than 20,000 posts.


The truth hurts.   Also, I wasnt directing those posts at you.   At the other guy with too much free time.  


ausgepicht -
sunderground - 
ausgepicht -
Easters - 
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.

Member Since: 4/26/13

And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date.  All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.  

Cry more.

LOL,  You have been posting an average of 90 posts a week for 16 years.   When do you have time to train?


You are beating king troll Outlaw'd by Lytle.   He is only averaging ~85 posts a week.   


Being a spectator is hard.  








This only proves you have a child-like ability when it comes to math. Let's say it took me a minute to make a post, that includes "TTT"s. That would be 90 minutes in 7 days. And hour and half a week. So you're asking me when do I have time to train with the other 166 and a half hours?


Besides I've been here since 98, so it's even less time.

That makes you a monumental idiot who can't do simple math because his hurt feelings have him discombobulated.

If you want concrete proof, come by my gym and see for yourself. Inbox me for the address.

Otherwise, do something else besides post off topic crying.

Ah the truth hurts.   I know you are just a spectator.   And have an idea of what you don't do for a living.  

I'm sure Greg Jackson has missed fights before, but he has how many UFC fighters?  Kavanagh only has a handful - Conor, Gunnar, and Artem being the only ones that could headline a card.  You're gonna try and make some extra cash "writing" a book off Conor's popularity and then leave one of your top guys hanging in the process?  I'll say it again, he knows the fight game but that just shows his character.  


Notice how Kavanagh loves to do interviews and put out funny tweets?  The guy loves the spotlight.  You don't see that from other top guys like Hume, Mendez, Cordeiro, etc.  Firas does do interviews and put out his own content but it's mostly technique-based.  I can respect that.  

Easters -

I'm sure Greg Jackson has missed fights before, but he has how many UFC fighters?  Kavanagh only has a handful - Conor, Gunnar, and Artem being the only ones that could headline a card.  You're gonna try and make some extra cash "writing" a book off Conor's popularity and then leave one of your top guys hanging in the process?  I'll say it again, he knows the fight game but that just shows his character.  


Notice how Kavanagh loves to do interviews and put out funny tweets?  The guy loves the spotlight.  You don't see that from other top guys like Hume, Mendez, Cordeiro, etc.  Firas does do interviews and put out his own content but it's mostly technique-based.  I can respect that.  

That's right.  


Jackson and Winkeljohn were both there for Diego.  And you would see one or both at RFA, Legacy, Titan etc shows pre-merger.     

sunderground - 
ausgepicht -
sunderground - 
ausgepicht -
Easters - 
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.

Member Since: 4/26/13

And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date.  All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.  

Cry more.

LOL,  You have been posting an average of 90 posts a week for 16 years.   When do you have time to train?


You are beating king troll Outlaw'd by Lytle.   He is only averaging ~85 posts a week.   


Being a spectator is hard.  








This only proves you have a child-like ability when it comes to math. Let's say it took me a minute to make a post, that includes "TTT"s. That would be 90 minutes in 7 days. And hour and half a week. So you're asking me when do I have time to train with the other 166 and a half hours?


Besides I've been here since 98, so it's even less time.

That makes you a monumental idiot who can't do simple math because his hurt feelings have him discombobulated.

If you want concrete proof, come by my gym and see for yourself. Inbox me for the address.

Otherwise, do something else besides post off topic crying.

Ah the truth hurts.   I know you are just a spectator.   And have an idea of what you don't do for a living.  

Inbox is still empty.

Now, I know you're just a keyboard warrior. And have an idea of what you don't have for genitalia: balls.

ausgepicht -
sunderground - 
ausgepicht -
sunderground - 
ausgepicht -
Easters - 
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.

Member Since: 4/26/13

And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date.  All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.  

Cry more.

LOL,  You have been posting an average of 90 posts a week for 16 years.   When do you have time to train?


You are beating king troll Outlaw'd by Lytle.   He is only averaging ~85 posts a week.   


Being a spectator is hard.  








This only proves you have a child-like ability when it comes to math. Let's say it took me a minute to make a post, that includes "TTT"s. That would be 90 minutes in 7 days. And hour and half a week. So you're asking me when do I have time to train with the other 166 and a half hours?


Besides I've been here since 98, so it's even less time.

That makes you a monumental idiot who can't do simple math because his hurt feelings have him discombobulated.

If you want concrete proof, come by my gym and see for yourself. Inbox me for the address.

Otherwise, do something else besides post off topic crying.

Ah the truth hurts.   I know you are just a spectator.   And have an idea of what you don't do for a living.  

Inbox is still empty.

Now, I know you're just a keyboard warrior. And have an idea of what you don't have for genitalia: balls.

Fuck off.  Anyone who pulls the "ya bro, well you won't show up at my gym!" card on an anonymous forum when you disagree with someone is a fuckin loser.  You know good and well nobody is going to buy a plane ticket and show up at your gym to risk their livelihood over a stupid topic on the UG.  So go fuck yourself.  

Easters -
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.

Member Since: 4/26/13

And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date.  All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.  

mate, he's just a grumpy sad old cunt 

ausgepicht -
sunderground - 
ausgepicht -
Easters - 
ausgepicht - How dare he make a living and honor his commitments.

Member Since: 4/26/13

And lol at you puffing your chest at your join date.  All that tells me is that you're an old fuck who wasted way too much of his life in this stupid place.  

Cry more.

LOL,  You have been posting an average of 90 posts a week for 16 years.   When do you have time to train?


You are beating king troll Outlaw'd by Lytle.   He is only averaging ~85 posts a week.   


Being a spectator is hard.  








This only proves you have a child-like ability when it comes to math. Let's say it took me a minute to make a post, that includes "TTT"s. That would be 90 minutes in 7 days. And hour and half a week. So you're asking me when do I have time to train with the other 166 and a half hours?


Besides I've been here since 98, so it's even less time.

That makes you a monumental idiot who can't do simple math because his hurt feelings have him discombobulated.

If you want concrete proof, come by my gym and see for yourself. Inbox me for the address.

Otherwise, do something else besides post off topic crying.

What city?

What?  I was supposed to do something?   


Sure.   Tell me where you train.   I am in Norcal these days.  
