Keep overeem in the fight!!!!

elburrogrande -
Malvert the Janitor - I believe he needs to be LICENSED to fight. And it's the AC of Nevada he has the trouble with....licensing trouble, folks. <br><br>The UFC could keep Reem in the fight...but they'd have to move it to a different state and completely disregard the NSAC. That won't happen. Ever. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

This could totally happen because it would not be disregarding the NAC. Once again, Overeem did not break any rules. The NAC cannot fine him, they cannot suspend him, they cannot demand any % of his purse. If the UFC moves the event to another state it would simply mean Overeem applied for a license in another state since he has not applied for a license in Nevada.

Nevada won't license Reem. That's the bottoms line. You think they'll be a little offended if Dana just ups and takes the fight to Memphis?

Most state commissions take their lead from Nevada, it's a fact. The UFC's home base is Vegas. They won't disregard the commission and move on to another state to avoid screwing up the main event of one card. They just won't. Phone Post

Holy shit I thought you guys were trolling but you really do believe it should be ok for him to cheat as long as he doesn't keep getting caught.
Well tough shit you stupid fucks, he got caught. Get a new role model if this guy is your hero. He's a pussy who used drugs to get bigger because he couldn't compete on a level playing field, even with a size advantage on most 205ers.
Shut the fuck up with these pathetic excuses about how he shouldn't have been tested. He was tested because he ducked his last regular test. He wasn't the only one tested and he was the only one that failed. There's no conspiracy, just a cheating douchebag and his nuthugging fans that can't accept that he's busted.

Death Beast - Holy shit I thought you guys were trolling but you really do believe it should be ok for him to cheat as long as he doesn't keep getting caught.
Well tough shit you stupid fucks, he got caught. Get a new role model if this guy is your hero. He's a pussy who used drugs to get bigger because he couldn't compete on a level playing field, even with a size advantage on most 205ers.
Shut the fuck up with these pathetic excuses about how he shouldn't have been tested. He was tested because he ducked his last regular test. He wasn't the only one tested and he was the only one that failed. There's no conspiracy, just a cheating douchebag and his nuthugging fans that can't accept that he's busted.
End thread. Phone Post

Sal Penis - 
Elias Cepeda -  He accepted the condition that he would be tested by surprise twice more after his last fight as a part of him getting the license to fight last year.

Those terms did not "expire."

 In this written in a contract somewhere or was it a verbal agreement? Big difference.

His contract had expired. On what terms do these bozos have the right to test Mr. Overeem?

 forehead slap  

@malvert- I think youre thinking of cases where one commission suspends a fighter and then he fights in another state or country. That is entirely different. Commissions tend to honor other commissions. That being said, you are wrong saying Nevada wont license Overeem. He has not applied so he has not been denied a license let alone suspended.

It's that blackface thing, isn't it?

elburrogrande - @malvert- I think youre thinking of cases where one commission suspends a fighter and then he fights in another state or country. That is entirely different. Commissions tend to honor other commissions. That being said, you are wrong saying Nevada wont license Overeem. He has not applied so he has not been denied a license let alone suspended.
Reem won't get licensed in Nevada before the fight is scheduled. Believe differently if you wish. There's a reason why Zuffa is panicking right now. Phone Post

Sal Penis - 
Death Beast - Holy shit I thought you guys were trolling but you really do believe it should be ok for him to cheat as long as he doesn't keep getting caught.
Well tough shit you stupid fucks, he got caught. Get a new role model if this guy is your hero. He's a pussy who used drugs to get bigger because he couldn't compete on a level playing field, even with a size advantage on most 205ers.
Shut the fuck up with these pathetic excuses about how he shouldn't have been tested. He was tested because he ducked his last regular test. He wasn't the only one tested and he was the only one that failed. There's no conspiracy, just a cheating douchebag and his nuthugging fans that can't accept that he's busted.
 You fucking noob piece of shit EVERYONE is doing peds. Yes youre favortie fighter is doing them too. Stop fighter bashing you little nerd.

Saying everyone is doing PEDs is more of fighter bashing than me saying the guy WHO DUCKS AND FAILS TESTS is using them. If everyone was using as much as Overeem we'd have alot more HWs with that kind of physique. Go hug those shrunken nuts if you want to though. Just follow the track marks on his ass til you find them.

Oh and this is the good thing about being an MMA fan and not just a fan of certain fighters. I don't need to sit here and make pathetic excuses about how my guy got caught cheating but your guy probably does too so it's not fair

Death Beast - Holy shit I thought you guys were trolling but you really do believe it should be ok for him to cheat as long as he doesn't keep getting caught.
Well tough shit you stupid fucks, he got caught. Get a new role model if this guy is your hero. He's a pussy who used drugs to get bigger because he couldn't compete on a level playing field, even with a size advantage on most 205ers.
Shut the fuck up with these pathetic excuses about how he shouldn't have been tested. He was tested because he ducked his last regular test. He wasn't the only one tested and he was the only one that failed. There's no conspiracy, just a cheating douchebag and his nuthugging fans that can't accept that he's busted.

 Sadly this is spot on.  And I'm an Overeem fan.  As much as it pains me, Overeem should not fight, especially for the title.  He might even get fired and he only has himself to blame.  At least maybe he can fight Fedor outside of the UFc.  That is if Fedor will accept the fight.  

And if EVERYONE is doing them, how come only he failed?

. Phone Post

SinCityHustler - 
Death Beast - Holy shit I thought you guys were trolling but you really do believe it should be ok for him to cheat as long as he doesn't keep getting caught.
Well tough shit you stupid fucks, he got caught. Get a new role model if this guy is your hero. He's a pussy who used drugs to get bigger because he couldn't compete on a level playing field, even with a size advantage on most 205ers.
Shut the fuck up with these pathetic excuses about how he shouldn't have been tested. He was tested because he ducked his last regular test. He wasn't the only one tested and he was the only one that failed. There's no conspiracy, just a cheating douchebag and his nuthugging fans that can't accept that he's busted.

 Sadly this is spot on.  And I'm an Overeem fan.  As much as it pains me, Overeem should not fight, especially for the title.  He might even get fired and he only has himself to blame.  At least maybe he can fight Fedor outside of the UFc.  That is if Fedor will accept the fight.  

Chael is fighting for the title and his levels were higher than the reem and was licensed to fight and fought with elevated testosterone levels. Holding double standards because of the way someone looks is morally wrong imo.

LOL@ the telephone tough guy in this thread, over the internet- technology has changed this guys MO

r_o_y - this is all overeems fault. no one is ruining this card but him. besides what if he went into the fight and won the title? how would that look?
It would look the same way it does when any other fighter on trt wins! You seriously think they stay at there prescribe dosage in between camps? Hell no! He just got caught by a random test! 80% of Guys on trt blast and cruise Phone Post

For clarification they blast (up their dose) during training camp and taper down and cruise at prescribed dose @ testing time! Phone Post

BooZe - 
r_o_y - this is all overeems fault. no one is ruining this card but him. besides what if he went into the fight and won the title? how would that look?
It would look the same way it does when any other fighter on trt wins! You seriously think they stay at there prescribe dosage in between camps? Hell no! He just got caught by a random test! 80% of Guys on trt blast and cruise <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

This. Test Dan Henderson today and see what his ratio is. LOL the only difference is he has a prescription so its ok and totally not cheating.

Ok, so everyone is doing them? That's your final answer as to why it's ok to defend him? But still no answer as to why he was the only one caught?
Or does he now need TRT and we need to be more considerate of his medical problem.
You guys are fucking hilarious. I know it's not proper to feed trolls like this but I can't help it.
Please explain whenever you're ready why he was the only one caught when everyone is doing it.

Your mancrush failed and you do too if you can't accept it.

Sal Penis - 
Death Beast - 
Death Beast - 
Sal Penis - 
Death Beast - Holy shit I thought you guys were trolling but you really do believe it should be ok for him to cheat as long as he doesn't keep getting caught.
Well tough shit you stupid fucks, he got caught. Get a new role model if this guy is your hero. He's a pussy who used drugs to get bigger because he couldn't compete on a level playing field, even with a size advantage on most 205ers.
Shut the fuck up with these pathetic excuses about how he shouldn't have been tested. He was tested because he ducked his last regular test. He wasn't the only one tested and he was the only one that failed. There's no conspiracy, just a cheating douchebag and his nuthugging fans that can't accept that he's busted.
 You fucking noob piece of shit EVERYONE is doing peds. Yes youre favortie fighter is doing them too. Stop fighter bashing you little nerd.

Saying everyone is doing PEDs is more of fighter bashing than me saying the guy WHO DUCKS AND FAILS TESTS is using them. If everyone was using as much as Overeem we'd have alot more HWs with that kind of physique. Go hug those shrunken nuts if you want to though. Just follow the track marks on his ass til you find them.

Oh and this is the good thing about being an MMA fan and not just a fan of certain fighters. I don't need to sit here and make pathetic excuses about how my guy got caught cheating but your guy probably does too so it's not fair

Oh yeah almost forgot to ask you a simple question too. If EVERYONE is doing them, how come only he failed?
And honestly they would have had alot more of a reason to sit and cry like you're doing since they didn't just get a conditional license and agree to the random tests a few months ago. Would you be defending Mir if he failed? Stop the fanboy shit, it's for 5 year olds that don't know any better.

 What are you like 15 you little shit?

1. You dont get a physic like that off roids It takes serious diet and genetics.
2. Athletic commission's dont have the money to test ALL fighters. Only hand selected ones.
3. I dont give two shits who does steroids or not. I'm all for legalizing them. The media propaganda has led you to believe steroids are bad for your health. But not if you're under supervision of a doctor. 

I'm providing real answers to the problem. What right did the commission have to test him? What are you doing here? Nothing. WHo are you? I get it bro you love the ufc, you love dana. In this day and age where a stupid little geek like yourself chooses promotion over a fighter, we get little asshats like yourself.<br type="_moz" />

LOL you sound so fucking mad bro. Wanna fight?

Genetics? Yeah his dad looked like Sagat too right. Never mind that he had a build more like JBJ earlier in his career, it's totally reasonable that he just blew up to that size right around the time he couldn't beat the 205ers on skill alone.

Just kill yourself now and get it over with.....


elburrogrande - 
SinCityHustler - 
Death Beast - Holy shit I thought you guys were trolling but you really do believe it should be ok for him to cheat as long as he doesn't keep getting caught.
Well tough shit you stupid fucks, he got caught. Get a new role model if this guy is your hero. He's a pussy who used drugs to get bigger because he couldn't compete on a level playing field, even with a size advantage on most 205ers.
Shut the fuck up with these pathetic excuses about how he shouldn't have been tested. He was tested because he ducked his last regular test. He wasn't the only one tested and he was the only one that failed. There's no conspiracy, just a cheating douchebag and his nuthugging fans that can't accept that he's busted.

 Sadly this is spot on.  And I'm an Overeem fan.  As much as it pains me, Overeem should not fight, especially for the title.  He might even get fired and he only has himself to blame.  At least maybe he can fight Fedor outside of the UFc.  That is if Fedor will accept the fight.  

Chael is fighting for the title and his levels were higher than the reem and was licensed to fight and fought with elevated testosterone levels. Holding double standards because of the way someone looks is morally wrong imo.

 Key there being "is fighting for the title" as opposed to fought for the title in the proposedd rematch.  See before chael was allowed to rematch Anderson, he had to go serve his suspension, pay his fine, and win 2 additional fights.  I'm all for Overeem doing his time and earning his way back into title contension but if he's using steroids right now, there is no way he should be allowed to fight right now.  That is if we're going to hold him to the same standard that we're holding Chael to.  

Death Beast - Ok, so everyone is doing them? That's your final answer as to why it's ok to defend him? But still no answer as to why he was the only one caught?
Or does he now need TRT and we need to be more considerate of his medical problem.
You guys are fucking hilarious. I know it's not proper to feed trolls like this but I can't help it.
Please explain whenever you're ready why he was the only one caught when everyone is doing it.

Your mancrush failed and you do too if you can't accept it.
I think all rooids should be allowed. Check other threads. I'm quite consistent about this rule. Thanks bye Phone Post