Keep overeem in the fight!!!!

I just wonder if he is done for good with the UFC?

Let him fight.. the UFC can't afford to have a top HW prospect go bust these days. I would also like to see the NSAC get fucked.

SOO72 - Let him fight.. the UFC can't afford to have a top HW prospect go bust these days. I would also like to see the NSAC get fucked.
This Phone Post

Do the fight somewhere else. He's not licensed with NSAC as it is, so by rights they can't suspend him yet. My idea is to move the fight to Edmonton, Alberta and host the fight under special Pride rules (which are sanctioned in Edmonton by the way). All he would have to do at that point is pass the fight week pre and post drug tests.

UGCTT_molsonmuscle360 - Do the fight somewhere else. He's not licensed with NSAC as it is, so by rights they can't suspend him yet. My idea is to move the fight to Edmonton, Alberta and host the fight under special Pride rules (which are sanctioned in Edmonton by the way). All he would have to do at that point is pass the fight week pre and post drug tests.
Do it in Mexico or Texas Phone Post