Kevin Lee on McGregor 'he's a culture vulture'

McBottery -

I love how anytime a fighter acts brash they are "taking from pro wrestling"


There are fighters that actually took from pro wrestling (Chael) and then there are ones that are just exaggerating their personality and playing it up for the cameras (Conor).  Pro wrestling didn't invent being cocky.

So much this. 

The majority of males stop watching fake wrestling when they're ten-thirteen. Most outside the US have never watched it. 

dicked by diaz -
McBottery -

I love how anytime a fighter acts brash they are "taking from pro wrestling"


There are fighters that actually took from pro wrestling (Chael) and then there are ones that are just exaggerating their personality and playing it up for the cameras (Conor).  Pro wrestling didn't invent being cocky.

So much this. 

The majority of males stop watching fake wrestling when they're ten-thirteen. Most outside the US have never watched it. 

Haven't watching in awhile, but the last I saw they were making more overseas than here. Is that all ex pats watching?

perfy - Kevin Lee certainly knows about being a culture vulture. First he was mimicking some 60s hippie now he's masquerading as some douchey hipster complete with cardigan and dorky eyeglasses. Wonder what style he'll misappropriate next.

^ This dude is going to be so mad when he googles Migos

dicked by diaz -
McBottery -

I love how anytime a fighter acts brash they are "taking from pro wrestling"


There are fighters that actually took from pro wrestling (Chael) and then there are ones that are just exaggerating their personality and playing it up for the cameras (Conor).  Pro wrestling didn't invent being cocky.

So much this. 

The majority of males stop watching fake wrestling when they're ten-thirteen. Most outside the US have never watched it. 

Riiiiiiiiiight.  Next you're going to claim that McGregor didn't jack Vince McMahon's walk.  Yeah, Conor's never watched a day of wrestling in his life.

PeteyWheatstraw - Is that sweater deal he's wearing considered cool these days with the cool kids? Is it "Fly"? Looks like something Barbara Streisand would wear.

Basically "hip-hop" style nowadays was jacked from nerdy white dudes (skinny jeans, glasses, etc)

I like Kevin lee... I think there's a place in mma for a brash talker that brings it 

PeteyWheatstraw - Is that sweater deal he's wearing considered cool these days with the cool kids? Is it "Fly"? Looks like something Barbara Streisand would wear.

It's considered something adults wear, you dumb fuck. 

Elias Cepeda -
PeteyWheatstraw - Is that sweater deal he's wearing considered cool these days with the cool kids? Is it "Fly"? Looks like something Barbara Streisand would wear.

It's considered something adults wear, you dumb fuck. 

Turn it into a think piece about fashion and add your bio and we've got something to print. 

JeffersonDArcyChoke -
Elias Cepeda -
PeteyWheatstraw - Is that sweater deal he's wearing considered cool these days with the cool kids? Is it "Fly"? Looks like something Barbara Streisand would wear.

It's considered something adults wear, you dumb fuck. 

Turn it into a think piece about fashion and add your bio and we've got something to print. 

Seriously, you need another SN for posting dumb shit

Elias Cepeda - 
PeteyWheatstraw - Is that sweater deal he's wearing considered cool these days with the cool kids? Is it "Fly"? Looks like something Barbara Streisand would wear.

It's considered something adults wear, you dumb fuck. 

"It's considered something adults wear, you dumb fuck."

Good to know. You should add one of those bad boys to your repertoire Mr. Grown Up.

Probably go great with the off-center, stretched neck-holed, cheap shirt and would enhance that wonky, cross-eyed vacant gaze of a lost monkey rejected from his mother.