Khabib Dad addressing Conor's Kadyrov comment

cawkgobbler -
thestaton -

you would think his old ass dad, ali, would all disappear until this shit is over.  NOT.  engage McGregor after you got slaughtered yesterday.  his dad has no business running his mouth ever. he's a do nothing terrorist wannabe.  

How did he get slaughtered? Conor came off as childish and cringeworthy. Was the laugh effective? I thought the strongest comment made was by Khabib. It was somwthing like "My father raised me to never give up and always show respect, what did your father teach you?"

Did you like the part about the hardman staying on the bus like a coward? Conor articulated that shit perfectly even you should be able to understand.


FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

touch -
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

What the post says is written in the first post.

Can you translate it for me?

Outlaw’d by Lytle -
touch -
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

What the post says is written in the first post.

Can you translate it for me?

He did.

"You’ve seen McGregor’s comment about our meeting, here it is on Mount Arafat. Ramzan Akhmatovich came to learn about the problems and congratulated all Muslims. Let The Most High be his Judge."

Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Slowshot -
Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Western civilization is typically defined by values which Russia largely shares with us. Russia is a blend of West(European) and East(Asian). In short, it is perfectly correct to include Russia in Western Civilization for this very reason. It isn’t JUST western, but it would be incorrect to exlude it based on eastern influences, because the the bulk of the population, economy, political capital, etc etc, has always lived within the European side of things. 

Go to Moscow. Go to Leningrad. Go to any major western Russian city. Tell me that isn’t western civilization, and not just western civilization, but among the pinnicals of European culture.

Slowshot -
Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Um what? The best literature, the brightest minds, the best scientists are all from Russia lol. Russian genetics are like black caviar. 

Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

What are the Caucasus nation relations like? Chechnya, Dagestan, Ossetia? And with neighboring Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc? Seems like the grappling stronghold runs throughout. I know Azerbaijan and Armenia are in conflict over Nagorno Karanakh…

Osbot -
Outlaw’d by Lytle -
touch -
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

What the post says is written in the first post.

Can you translate it for me?

He did.

"You’ve seen McGregor’s comment about our meeting, here it is on Mount Arafat. Ramzan Akhmatovich came to learn about the problems and congratulated all Muslims. Let The Most High be his Judge."

Yah, I want that one translating. 

Anyone follow Karin Zidans articles on mmafigjting on this subject?

Osbot - 
Slowshot -
Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Western civilization is typically defined by values which Russia largely shares with us. Russia is a blend of West(European) and East(Asian). In short, it is perfectly correct to include Russia in Western Civilization for this very reason. It isn’t JUST western, but it would be incorrect to exlude it based on eastern influences, because the the bulk of the population, economy, political capital, etc etc, has always lived within the European side of things. 

Go to Moscow. Go to Leningrad. Go to any major western Russian city. Tell me that isn’t western civilization, and not just western civilization, but among the pinnicals of European culture.

Russians a weak, easily cowed people, who vote for men like Putin because they don’t know what to do without an autocrat telling them how to live their lives.

(I’m American, and I recognize the irony in my statement, given our current leadership).

Slowshot -
Osbot - 
Slowshot -
Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Western civilization is typically defined by values which Russia largely shares with us. Russia is a blend of West(European) and East(Asian). In short, it is perfectly correct to include Russia in Western Civilization for this very reason. It isn’t JUST western, but it would be incorrect to exlude it based on eastern influences, because the the bulk of the population, economy, political capital, etc etc, has always lived within the European side of things. 

Go to Moscow. Go to Leningrad. Go to any major western Russian city. Tell me that isn’t western civilization, and not just western civilization, but among the pinnicals of European culture.

Russians a weak, easily cowed people, who vote for men like Putin because they don’t know what to do without an autocrat telling them how to live their lives.

(I’m American, and I recognize the irony in my statement, given our current leadership).

Prepare for rape

Slowshot -
Osbot - 
Slowshot -
Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Western civilization is typically defined by values which Russia largely shares with us. Russia is a blend of West(European) and East(Asian). In short, it is perfectly correct to include Russia in Western Civilization for this very reason. It isn’t JUST western, but it would be incorrect to exlude it based on eastern influences, because the the bulk of the population, economy, political capital, etc etc, has always lived within the European side of things. 

Go to Moscow. Go to Leningrad. Go to any major western Russian city. Tell me that isn’t western civilization, and not just western civilization, but among the pinnicals of European culture.

Russians a weak, easily cowed people, who vote for men like Putin because they don’t know what to do without an autocrat telling them how to live their lives.

(I’m American, and I recognize the irony in my statement, given our current leadership).

The irony is that you are a snowflake (clearly based on your current leadership comment) acting like you know something about a much more hardened culture.

Slowshot -
Osbot - 
Slowshot -
Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Western civilization is typically defined by values which Russia largely shares with us. Russia is a blend of West(European) and East(Asian). In short, it is perfectly correct to include Russia in Western Civilization for this very reason. It isn’t JUST western, but it would be incorrect to exlude it based on eastern influences, because the the bulk of the population, economy, political capital, etc etc, has always lived within the European side of things. 

Go to Moscow. Go to Leningrad. Go to any major western Russian city. Tell me that isn’t western civilization, and not just western civilization, but among the pinnicals of European culture.

Russians a weak, easily cowed people, who vote for men like Putin because they don’t know what to do without an autocrat telling them how to live their lives.

(I’m American, and I recognize the irony in my statement, given our current leadership).

I’d argue the exact opposite. I think historical precedent is on my side.

Russians are an extremely hard people, and they are equally as pragmatic. Weak people don’t suffer 27 million casualties, and then keep on fighting and winning a war against the worlds premier military power at the time. They live in a hard place, with historically some of the hardest political and economic conditions for regular people to endure. Hardness is stamped into their DNA.

They are also pragmatic, in that, they don’t really care too much (many of them it seems), about the democratic process, so long as shit gets done, and the situation in Russia improves. I think if you spoke to a Russian, you might get one of two answers. One might say essentially, all politicians are corrupt, elections are corrupt, but this is our corrupt politician and he has done pretty well by us. You might also get the opposite, a pro democracy response. However, there is no denying that the first response, and mentality are fairly prevelant within Russia. 

Outlaw’d by Lytle -
Osbot -
Outlaw’d by Lytle -
touch -
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

What the post says is written in the first post.

Can you translate it for me?

He did.

"You’ve seen McGregor’s comment about our meeting, here it is on Mount Arafat. Ramzan Akhmatovich came to learn about the problems and congratulated all Muslims. Let The Most High be his Judge."

Yah, I want that one translating. 

He did.

"You’ve seen McGregor’s comment about our meeting, here it is on Mount Arafat. Ramzan Akhmatovich came to learn about the problems and congratulated all Muslims. Let The Most High be his Judge."

That is the translation in quotation marks.

oranos - 
Slowshot -
Osbot - 
Slowshot -
Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Western civilization is typically defined by values which Russia largely shares with us. Russia is a blend of West(European) and East(Asian). In short, it is perfectly correct to include Russia in Western Civilization for this very reason. It isn’t JUST western, but it would be incorrect to exlude it based on eastern influences, because the the bulk of the population, economy, political capital, etc etc, has always lived within the European side of things. 

Go to Moscow. Go to Leningrad. Go to any major western Russian city. Tell me that isn’t western civilization, and not just western civilization, but among the pinnicals of European culture.

Russians a weak, easily cowed people, who vote for men like Putin because they don’t know what to do without an autocrat telling them how to live their lives.

(I’m American, and I recognize the irony in my statement, given our current leadership).

The irony is that you are a snowflake (clearly based on your current leadership comment) acting like you know something about a much more hardened culture.

I know russians vote for leaders they think of as “strong” because they know they are weak, and need protecting.

Wasa-B - Anyone follow Karin Zidans articles on mmafigjting on this subject?

He has done amazing work.

Slowshot - 
oranos - 
Slowshot -
Osbot - 
Slowshot -
Osbot - 
FatBuddha -
ImOldGreg - 
wiggum - Anybody know what the post says?

Defending Kadyrov is unacceptable any way you slice it.

100% this

Cliffs on Kadyrov?

Him and his father were leaders in the Chechen seperatist movement, and the first two chechen civil wars.

During the second Chechen civil war, radical islamists began to infiltrate the Chechen militias and take them over. Kadyrov and his father switched sides and joined the Russians and helped stamp out an Islamist attempted take over of the Caucasus region. 

This Islamist infiltration (Wahabist and Salafi) first emerged in Chechnya and later attempted to spread into Dagestan and other Islamic majority republics in the Caucasus region. They called themselves the Caucasus Emirate (a Califate), but were stomped on by Chechnya led by Kadyrovs, Dagestani militias, and Federal Russian forces.

Since then, the Caucasus Emirate has collapsed, and many of the supporters of the Caucasus Emirate who survived the war, fled ultimately to Iraq and Syria where they ended up in ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliated groups.

In 2004, Kadyrovs father was assassinated by Islamists, and Kadyrov has been waging a personal crusade in Chechnya and the surrounding region on Islamists on what is quite literally the front line of the war between western civilization and radlical islam.

He might have done some nasty shit, but he’s also in the leader of the place that the precursor to ISIL tried to invade.

Equating russia with western civilization is being VERY generous to the rooskies.

Western civilization is typically defined by values which Russia largely shares with us. Russia is a blend of West(European) and East(Asian). In short, it is perfectly correct to include Russia in Western Civilization for this very reason. It isn’t JUST western, but it would be incorrect to exlude it based on eastern influences, because the the bulk of the population, economy, political capital, etc etc, has always lived within the European side of things. 

Go to Moscow. Go to Leningrad. Go to any major western Russian city. Tell me that isn’t western civilization, and not just western civilization, but among the pinnicals of European culture.

Russians a weak, easily cowed people, who vote for men like Putin because they don’t know what to do without an autocrat telling them how to live their lives.

(I’m American, and I recognize the irony in my statement, given our current leadership).

The irony is that you are a snowflake (clearly based on your current leadership comment) acting like you know something about a much more hardened culture.

I know russians vote for leaders they think of as “strong” because they know they are weak, and need protecting.

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Don’t judge a people by their leader. Especially when that country lost 20 million people in a winning effort in WWII.

Go back to your cave you BO stinking relic