Khalil knee stomp

Or that fat ass doing that dirty arm thing to the guy training for a fight a few months ago.

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man talking GIF by South Park

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Perhaps Khalil should talk to his opponent before his next fight and get a list of moves that they are okay with him doing?


If it’s legal then no one should have a problem with it being used in a combative fight. Is it a dick move? Yes, but it’s legal.

Playing devils advocate but how would you feel if this happened during a championship match? Ending a more significant fight? How would you feel if this happened to a more popular fighter? Lots of what if scenarios.

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Day one in muay thai back in 1998 I threw a kick that landed on my sparring partners knee instead of the thigh. He immediately reacted and started moaning. The Kru came by and told the other guy he was the one that had made the mistake because he left his knee too straight and didn’t lift his leg. Martial arts are designed to hurt other peoples bodies, it’s literally the whole thing guys. If you ban head buts, north south elbows, stomps, kicks to the head of a downed opponent and all “knee strikes” you just water down the whole idea of combat. If that’s what you want fine, but where do you stop? Where do you draw the line? Because I’ll tell you right now if you train with too many rules in mind you are going to get wrecked in a street fight.


MMA striking is not based on MT and never has been.


It’s legal, it’s fine. If you want to ban any techniques that might potentially injure someone then you end up with karate point fighting.


If you leave out the eye attacks you literally have the original rules to no holds barred combat and the first UFC rules. Which I think most hardcore fans would love. So yeah, leave the knee strikes and add in all the other shit too. JUST BLEED!!!



I don’t think the sport of MMA bases their rules around a professional fighter’s potential street fighting performance.

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Go play ping pong then bitch. MMA was developed with creating as close to the “real thing” as possible in mind.

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Fence grabbing was allowed in UFC 1 and yet, somehow, Royce managed okay with no wrestling background…


Dude, nobody had fought in a cage before.

SN does not check out.


Banning knee kicks would set a terrible precedent. If anything, they should start unbanning things.


I think it’s in most MMA organizations interest to have healthy athletes so they can put on shows and make mony.

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Hopefully this never happens but if I ever get into a street fight, I’m going with that kick. Seems easy enough to execute and could be a life saver and completely devastating to the person who is trying to assault me.

Now I gotta google the exact placement to kick the person…above or below the knee.

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rock and roll vintage GIF

Mony, Mony!

And yet wrestlers did just fine when fence grabbing was allowed as well… They did fine when soccer kicks and knees were allowed as well. Your argument doesn’t stand up to real life scrutiny.

Although I think fence grabs should stay banned as they’re an illegal aid and encourage stalling. I think the other stuff should be allowed.

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The simple fact of the matter is that MMA is full of fans that are Jitz guys or former wrestlers and they love to make strikes illegal bc it fits their agenda. You guys remind me of liberals, if you can ban things that make your side uncomfortable you do it just to try and get a “win”, the logic isn’t there though. MMA is all about hurting your opponent. Gee, he hurt my knee I sure wish he would have made my brain rock back and forth in my skull so I can forget my name when I turn 55 instead…

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The three rules, no biting, no eye gouging , and no groin shots were to be enforced only by a $1,500 fine. The match only ended by submission, knockout, or the fighter’s corner throwing in the towel, although the referee stopped the first fight at 26 seconds.

Originally holding the cage was in fact allowed and that big Dutch kickboxer did hold on, but it didn’t stop the takedown against Royce. It also didn’t stop grapplers from dominating early UFC. All of this talk of illegalizing more strikes is simply partisan bias to make the sport more grappler friendly than it already is.