Kimbo is the man, not Gannon

From all accounts, the fight was a great fight, fought by two game fighters. But besides the bias of this MMA forum, whom helped to set up the match, does Gannon really deserve that much credit for what he did aside from putting on an entertaining fight?

Here's the evidence:

It was Gannon and crew who challenged Kimbo to this fight, not the other way around.

Kimbo was just minding his own business when Gannon decided he wanted to make a name for himself at the expense of Kimbo.

Kimbo took the fight b/c it was just another fight to him, hopefully a good payday. Gannon took the fight b/c he wanted the adulation of everyone in the MMA community. There was no honor involved. Gannon simply wanted to take on this man b/c he wanted the hype that the MMA boards were giving Kimbo, which ironically Kimbo knew nothing about.

Then comes the tale of the tape.

Gannon would not have challenged Kimbo if he didn't think he could handily beat him. After all, Gannon is physically bigger, better trained, a top-level amatuer boxer, and a pro-MMA fighter. Kimbo is just another big buy who fights in backyards for money.

Next comes the actual fight.

The rules were being changed at the last minute by Kimbo's crew. No doubt to make for a more even fight that may favor their fighter who was a bareknuckle boxer. People say that Gannon fought the odds under Kimbo's rules, but did he really considering he's a high-level amatuer boxer??? Besides, since Gannon challeged Kimbo, shouldn't Kimbo get a say in what rules the fight should be fought under?

Also, Gannon himself stated that Kimbo's crew was clueless about the specifics of fighting, which is the kiss of death when dealing with a pro-MMA fighter who knows what's up.

Kimbo assumed no groundwork basically meant no grappling/submissions outside of the usual boxing clinch and no kicks meant no using the legs in any kind of striking.

If Kimbo was well-versed in those tactics, he would have easily used them in the infamous video that started it all to dispatch his opponent even quicker.

But against a shorter/smaller opponent who often led with his head, not once did he attempt to throw knees or go for a chokehold of any kind.

Kimbo's crew thought the designated rules were enough to keep the fight a bare-knuckle boxing match, but obviously they were out of their league and didn't know what was going down.

Gannon intentionally used this ambiguity in the rules to his advantage against a fighter who was untrained for such techniques. In this case, I'd have to say the odds were heavily against Kimbo, yet he put up a great fight.

We all know that a bigger, better trained pro-MMA fighter with an extensive background in boxing can take out a boxer who just fights in backyards. That wasn't the point of the fight. The point of the fight was to see someone we knew fight Kimbo.

So instead of fighting fair-and-square under Kimbo's implied rules, Gannon sneaks a few MMA techniques in against an unsuspecting opponent.

As for the Kimbo takedown, was it really a takedown attempt or just an attempt to clinch since he had been rocked and was down on one knee. Keep in mind, that if he hadn't clinched, he would have been open to more strikes while in a downed position.

Either way, his specific actions at that moment were no threat to Gannon. Gannon could have easily pushed off and teed off on Kimbo ala Rizzo vs. Tank, but he went for a questionable chokehold which Kimbo was only being fair in retaliating back with some punches on the ground, which incidently didn't do any damage.

Basically, what I'm saying is Kimbo should be the one getting all the praise. He was the true underdog who went in not knowing what he was up against.

Gannon was the agressor who challenged Kimbo after hearing all the hype MMA forums were giving him, not to mention the bigger, better trained fighter who knew exactly what he was up against and specifically used Kimbo's cluelessness of the rules against him.

Forum Member since 1/1/2001.

MMA fan since when though Liyon?

You lost me.

shut up, troll.

Too long to read. Chances are it was a dumb post anyway.

I agree in some ways, Kimbo gassed after fucking Gannons face UP. To Kimbos credit he didnt tap to the 2 chokes,which I believe gassed him more than anything thing else.

this is the first time i say something like this , usually i respect everybody opinion , but SHUT THE FUCK UP .

Thanks for stealing 5 mintues of my life I will never get back .

ummm... street fighting is gay but fun to watch. whoever is better at
taking care of his responsibilities in life is more of a man.

he is correct

gannon knew what was up, if kimbo knew the internet was obsessed with him and his mannerisms he could have made alot of money

Xcellent TROLL POST...I didn't read it though.

Damn, that was a long post!

"1. sean said that Kimbo is definitely national level calibur in boxing. sean has boxed against olympic boxers, so he would be competent at making that comparison."

LOL, he made that post after getting first-hand knowledge of it. I bet he didn't think Kimbo was that good. This is where Gannon's chin and heart come into play.

"unless he was trying to clinch sean's dick, i doubt he was clinching anything while down on his knees."

He grabbed for a leg b/c it was the only thing he could reach for. Once again, if he hadn't kept close, he would have been a target while he was down.

I call a spade a spade. In this case, despite all the internet hype, Kimbo was the underdog, the one who was in over his head.

The only reason why there was so much talk about Kimbo winning was b/c no one besides a handful of people on the MMA forums had seen Gannon fight, much less even knew who he was. The one pic some people saw was that of a person who wasn't in "great shape" ie had a 6-pack, cuts, etc... All of this compared with one very good Kimbo fight swayed everyone's opinion.

"what i'm saying is...there is another forum, that i'm sure you know of. it would be nice if you would stay over there."

Obviously, I must be saying something right!

I'm not dissing Gannon. He got what he wanted, hype, and put up an entertaining fight. Otherwise, that's it.

Stop making it seem like the underdog Gannon was forced to fight for his honor by the ex-con, big angry black man Kimbo.

"Xcellent TROLL POST"

LOL@people continually cheering on trolling? People seem to not like it, but then encourage it. WTF?

Whether he's serious or not, 'good trolling' is an oxymoron.

Mind you, you've got BMT's approval and that's worth a fair bit.

"MMA fan since when though Liyon?"

Since the spring of 1994 thanks to Black Belt magazine.

"As for the Kimbo takedown, was it really a takedown attempt or just an attempt to clinch since he had been rocked and was down on one knee."

I've see this comment on a number of threads.  Kimbo attempted a single leg on Gannon after being rocked. Gannon sprawled and Kimbo was able to lift it off the ground (he showed a little wrestling skill here) but Gannon broke his grip.  Kimbo cheated to save himself.  

I think this fight was a brilliant move by Gannon to get publicity and it helped Kimbo too.



he showed great heart... and some nobody got famous at the expense of an internet legend.

"No, Kimbo was beating the fuck outta people in backyard brawls, and said that hed fight anyone who came up with the money."

"BTW usually the winner is the guy who "should be the one getting all the praise."

True, and nothing wrong with that.

But let's no get carried away and act like Gannon was some huge underdog that just won the world title against impossible odds.

For anyone who cared to do a little research, Gannon was the clear favorite, even with bare-knuckle boxing rules.

People were talking about Kimbo, now they are talking about Gannon. Who am I to argue with that.

Kimbo wanted to fight and fought. He was challenged and got his ass beat. He shot in, broke the rules and Gannon retaliated with the guil. Bottom line Kimbo lost, he put up a good fight. If this was MMA he would have been done in under 2 minutes. Gannon is the man, not Kimbo. Two walked in and one walked out, that one was the man.


The kiss of death... EvilYoshida joins the Kimbo bandwagon!

this is hilarious, all we need is the return of King of Pancrase and we'll have a full-on troll posse!

LIAR is CORRECT. I mean LIYON. Pulsar...stop hating.