Knockout ''game'' backfires (Pride Rules)

I'd buy that shogun a beer.

Joeymarvelous - "HE'S BLEEDIN' OUT BLOOD!!!" lol Phone Post 3.0

"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood"

Say black dudes love cranberry and vodka and no one complains about that stereotype.

Say black dudes love the KO game and everyone gets butthurt.

That guy who threw the soccer kick is a champ... pretty cool how fast he reacted right after she was attacked. Most people would have just stood around.

I don't know what's happening in that vid.

Sub Phone Post 3.0

Looks like she ducked and he missed the home run swing and he fell Dow resulting in her being on top. Then the soccer kick ftw. If there were more violent repercussions like this the "game" would have never became popular. Too much "victim" mentality these days. Phone Post 3.0

JPro - In what alternate dimension do people walk the street with bongs while homeless people drive Segways? Phone Post
That's called Vegas ... Proly a normal Tuesday morning Phone Post 3.0

debog - first post!, and i very much approve of the above video. Justice at its swiftest
Welcome VU Phone Post 3.0

Since I'm assuming most KO game participants either don't get caught or receive a relative slap on the wrist if they do, would it be smart to take another approach to stopping this barbaric behavior?

When your life is threatened or you are assaulted, reasonable self defense is your right within the law. In case you're wondering, a 115lb girl being full speed sucker punched in the temple by a 185lb man is considered life threatening force.

So... How about groups of trained fighters or people with tazers, knives, pepper spray, or guns (permit holders only), etc pose as unsuspecting victims in KO game hotspots and then blast the worthless scum that assault them. We could call them "KO Baiters" and have a point system based on how many of these oxygen wasting trash heaps they incapacitate, knockout, put in jail, exterminate, etc... It is a "game" after all right? How about the good guys get some points. I'll even design and host the online leaderboard. Phone Post 3.0



Pride theme as typed by Armbarseverywhere.



insomnia - looks like vegas judging by the nice decor and indoor drinking? wondering if this is not a KO game cause the massive amount of people walking around + potential security.
Miracle mile mall at Planet Hollywood in Vegas it looks like. They should use that in their next commercial. Phone Post 3.0

spilledbagofice - 
insomnia - looks like vegas judging by the nice decor and indoor drinking? wondering if this is not a KO game cause the massive amount of people walking around + potential security.
Miracle mile mall at Planet Hollywood in Vegas it looks like. They should use that in their next commercial. Phone Post 3.0

Yup... thats def. Planet hollywood

Wouldve been perfect if if was in front of the LV Fight Shop lol.


To me it looks like a purse snatching attempt gone wrong. 

pidgey - this is a bit weird because even before the white dude soccer kicked him, the girl already had his back and was punching him, what the fuck is going on?

Did the guy trip and got stunned or something? He even looked like a big dude so i dont see how that chick managed to get his back.

Was going to say the same. Even if he whiffed on the punch, she would have had to land a hard shot herself to drop him. And she didnt look much over 120-130lb. Would make sense if she hit him with a stun gun or something similar, but how does a panicked woman grab her stun, dodge a flying punch, and have the composure to stun the guy. Weird.

Early stoppage IMO. He deserved to have all his teeth knocked out. To bad he didn't give his buddy filming a little attention too. Let's buy the soccer kick champ a beer! Phone Post 3.0

to catch someone doing that and have the opportunity to stomp them... ahhhhhh!

lesnarfan98 - 
pidgey - this is a bit weird because even before the white dude soccer kicked him, the girl already had his back and was punching him, what the fuck is going on?

Did the guy trip and got stunned or something? He even looked like a big dude so i dont see how that chick managed to get his back.

Was going to say the same. Even if he whiffed on the punch, she would have had to land a hard shot herself to drop him. And she didnt look much over 120-130lb. Would make sense if she hit him with a stun gun or something similar, but how does a panicked woman grab her stun, dodge a flying punch, and have the composure to stun the guy. Weird.

Possibly purse snatcher... he ran to snatch it. she held on... momentum had him going forward draggin her, she landed on top of him all "WTF". she started beating on him then Pele came with the finishing blow

Its not racist to point out an obvious trend of black on non black (specifically 'white') crime. Google 'black mob violence'. needless to say not all black people are participating but its never all of a group that commit the crime. Truly, american blacks seem to be heading down a dark road.