Kostya Tszyu's Fighting Fit

Has anybody had a look at this book/DVD set? Is it worth getting? It's on special for $35 at a bookstore nearby, so I was thinking of picking it up.


I'd do what Ricky Hatton does instead.

Don't know how he trains but I am a fan.

Love when he K.Oed Zab J.


Tszyu tries all kinds of stuff like kettlebells, gymnastic rings, elastic bands, sandbags..who knows what else. He was very open minded when it came to training (or maybe just bored).

Hatton uses a bodybuilding coach and nautilus machines, go figure.

Hatton's cardio regime looks damn hard.


Hatton also does high intensity intervals on the bodybag and bar jumps. That's why his workrate is unmatched.

That's the regimen I've heard of him doing.... the bodybag/bar/sparring circuit he does. Crazy.


Maybe we should follow Luis Collazo's regimen. He looked to be on his way to KOing Hatton, if the fight had been a 15-rounder like in the old days...

could someone give me more info about hatton's cardio workout ttt

Hatton's trainer wears a protective vest and holds the focus mitts. Hatton hits the mitts and his trainer for 1 minute, then does bench hops for 1 minute, then hits mitts for 1 minute, then rests for a minute.

For 12-15 rounds at a time.

Oh he uses his hands? Not saying that's easy at all, but I thought he did it hands free.


Just wondering if anybody has seen this one yet?

I was kinda wondering how he did bench hops with a 4 foot bar...

Its no good if you're serious about boxing, its aimed for at the fit person whose looking to box at home & wants to know a little more about technique. Buy the book boxing greatest workouts instead if you already throw a punch.

SJFou is correct.

Already got the book. Good read.

You can take a bit from all the boxer's workouts in that book. Interesting little tidbits in there, such as Ali did roadwork in combat boots.

a lot of old school boxers did runs in combat boots because it helped keep you from twisting your ankle

i also thought they did it to add weighted resistance, ie. so their feet felt lighter when they boxed...

i guess if you can throw a punch & have the workout book, try Bas Ruttens boxing workout CD...

Thanks for the reviews, guess I'll stay away as I was hoping for something different.

Nothing wrong with Tszyu workouts...remember he was World amateur champion, and undisputed world champion, and coming from strong Russian boxing trg camps as a lad. His seen doing alot of bodyweight exercises and his conditioning has alway's been tops.