Kron speaks against Gracie University

UGCTT_Fillthy - 
armbarseverywhere - 
UGCTT_Fillthy - lol @ 'resume-building strength' of a blue belt.

are the GU blue belts devaluing your blue belt?

If that blue belt gets his ass handed to him by a bigger stronger more athletic guy who doesn't know jiu jitsu then, yes. There is a certain amount of honor in training the most applicable form of man vs man combat in the world.

If you get a blue belt from GU, you will not get your ass handed to you by a bigger, stronger, more athletic attacker that doesn't train jiu-jitsu.


Those are some pretty broad statements there. The amount of jiu jitsu this^ guy knew wouldn't fill a thimble

UGCTT_Fillthy - neither did Dan Severn, and he got choked by a blue belt technique.


"A blue belt technique" huh?

I wasn't aware specific techniques were paired with specific belts. I always thought that blue belts just had a certain level of ability/mastery of the art/sport. Guess I need some of these instructionals to tell me which techniques I should be working on now.

Again, shows the classic reversion to the TMA mindset right along with the smug thought of the McDojo black belt so certain of his badassery against those that aren't trained.

So I guess you also think that if you took your blue and went back in time you would have handled Dan Severn back in the day?

Am I being trolled in the Atama forum? Cr@p.

EvilGumby -
UGCTT_Fillthy - neither did Dan Severn, and he got choked by a blue belt technique.


"A blue belt technique" huh?

I wasn't aware specific techniques were paired with specific belts. I always thought that blue belts just had a certain level of ability/mastery of the art/sport. Guess I need some of these instructionals to tell me which techniques I should be working on now.

Again, shows the classic reversion to the TMA mindset right along with the smug thought of the McDojo black belt so certain of his badassery against those that aren't trained.

So I guess you also think that if you took your blue and went back in time you would have handled Dan Severn back in the day?

That's one of the points of GU. Curriculum/structure. I can practice the 71 basic combative moves 100 times each on both sides because I know those are my moves.
Instead of practicing 200 moves 5 times each on my strong side and forgetting 150 of them in a month. Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_Fillthy - neither did Dan Severn, and he got choked by a blue belt technique.


I know it was before your time, but back in his prime Coleman would scatter the faixa pretas like poultry when in a drunken rage, even blue belt enforcers would remember pressing engagements elsewhere and scurry out of his "zone of influence". You can find coleman lites in any high school wrestling room,when fueled by beer and with no respect for  e-commerce gradings ,= bad time for fillthys interwebs top team

JiuKaraKwonThaiKungDo Master - 
EvilGumby -
UGCTT_Fillthy - neither did Dan Severn, and he got choked by a blue belt technique.


"A blue belt technique" huh?

I wasn't aware specific techniques were paired with specific belts. I always thought that blue belts just had a certain level of ability/mastery of the art/sport. Guess I need some of these instructionals to tell me which techniques I should be working on now.

Again, shows the classic reversion to the TMA mindset right along with the smug thought of the McDojo black belt so certain of his badassery against those that aren't trained.

So I guess you also think that if you took your blue and went back in time you would have handled Dan Severn back in the day?

That's one of the points of GU. Curriculum/structure. I can practice the 71 basic combative moves 100 times each on both sides because I know those are my moves.
Instead of practicing 200 moves 5 times each on my strong side and forgetting 150 of them in a month. Phone Post 3.0

Be careful how much of that Acai flavored Koolaid you drink.

Most guys in regular academies are drilling 200 moves either. And that's exactly my point. You're so focused and your 71 moves and then are sure it's better than the 200 other guys must be doing. Most academies (at least the ones I've been to) aren't focusing on cramming hundreds of moves into people. Or even 71.

Read even the threads on here. Guys in academy's at your level are also spending a bunch of time on issues like "every time I get to one in one out on the triangle someone shucks my legs by, turns the corner and passes my guard." Then learning (for instance) that if they sucks that inside elbow in tighter, the other guy can't "turn the corner" so easily.

Point being that it is NOT in fact 200 techniques vs. 71. But the 71 techniques, both sides, then belt, TMA approach as opposed to learn, drill, train, FEEDBACK from coach on why it move can't be implemented against fully resisting opponent. Why is it working on some guys but not the lanky bastid over there.

Or "cr@p, people are just blasting to their feet in my closed guard and then passing at will. How do I fix it" type of problem solving that the academy guys are working on daily.

The very fact that you keep bringing up 71 techniques, 10 times, both sides reminds me so much of my early Hapkido days of cooperative opponents, lists of techniques for each belt, and a "demo" to show proficiency. Then watching Hapkido black belts get football tackled to the mat with no answer because they hadn't been training in the "alive environment".

The call of 71 techniques sounds like a call to return it to JJJ. Ever see a JJJ black belt spar with a HS varsity wrestler? It doesn't go well for the JJJ BB typically. (Yes I'm sure there are a few outlier Imanari types.)

"Unskilled resistance" and "striking resistance" is not full resistance. It's the same as the RexKwonDo "my other hand, with your other hand" resistance. If I have to resist in a programmed way it's not full resistance. It is in fact then cooperative resistance.

People can agree or disagree, and that's fine. At least respect the fact that we are defending ours just as much as you are defending yours. Phone Post 3.0

JiuKaraKwonThaiKungDo Master - People can agree or disagree, and that's fine. At least respect the fact that we are defending ours just as much as you are defending yours. Phone Post 3.0

To be honest, that type of respect (from me at least) is going to be a looong time coming. The KungFu guys also think they are "defending theirs just like we defend ours".

I think of it this way. When I go to a tourney, certain academies generally produce a higher level of player. So when I look at the bracket, I expect a tougher match for our guys there even if I don't know the player specifically. Some schools I know are a bit more mediocre. Although they might have the occasional standout guy, I would see them as less necessary to gameplan for.

Currently, if I saw a GU patch on someone's Gi, they would be the last/lowest guy on my radar across the board. At a tournament, at a seminar, in a conversation, anywhere. It will take years of me running into them and having to swallow those words before that opinion changes. It is what it is.

So far, every thread I've read and every encountered I've personally had with the "we mainly train GJJ for self-defense at our academy" has only reinforced that opinion.

"So far, every thread I've read and every encountered I've personally had with the "we mainly train GJJ for self-defense at our academy" has only reinforced that opinion."

well its true,look at what they learn,do you see any grip dependent moves.look at the escapes,if you get your back taken,you are taught to give up 4 more point to escape.with as much bjj as you know ,i would think you already would know this.what part of untrained opponent dont you understand?

It must have been 10 years since I saw anyone argue the old "GJJ blue belt beats Mike Tyson in a streetfight", but I have never seen anyone state "GJJ blue belt beats Mark Coleman in a streetfight". It shows how far the video trained GJJ Combatives have gone beyond sport bjj!

Let a huge wrestler pin you down and batter you until he is too exhausted to continue, this GJJ self defense really is some next level stuff!

The leviathan stirs in the stygian depths of our collective memory. Now comes the rise of the E- enforcer, imagine if Gurgel would have had access to a wifi enabled basement

Is there such a thing as a GU patch?

EvilGumby - 
JiuKaraKwonThaiKungDo Master - Over 95,000 people in over 150 countries. Phone Post 3.0

You really believe those numbers? Cost of the program is $20/month. That means they are hauling in $22.8 million per year from the program to the tune of 1.9 mil per month.

Kind of a Catch22 there. Either it's factual (which I highly highly doubt), OR 23 million dollars per year is a heck of a motivator to push a shady certification for.

thats crazy,everyone knows they only grossed 16 mill last yr

UGCTT_Fillthy -
Koga - It must have been 10 years since I saw anyone argue the old "GJJ blue belt beats Mike Tyson in a streetfight", but I have never seen anyone state "GJJ blue belt beats Mark Coleman in a streetfight". It shows how far the video trained GJJ Combatives have gone beyond sport bjj!

Let a huge wrestler pin you down and batter you until he is too exhausted to continue, this GJJ self defense really is some next level stuff!

Also, you should work on your reading comprehension, or your trolling...either way, your skills are weak.

Yes, I am definitely not taking mark Coleman in a street fight. Even broken back, busted knees mark Coleman. Nor do I have any kind of delusional thought that I could take someone like him. Yet................. Phone Post 3.0

TTT Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

Let's see how in many different threads we can post that Instagram photo. :rolleyes: Phone Post 3.0

liuk3 - Let's see how in many different threads we can post that Instagram photo. :rolleyes: Phone Post 3.0
Start some more, I'll post it. Phone Post 3.0

Don't need to start anymore. You can just start posting if every one existing already. Knock yourself out. Phone Post 3.0