Kron speaks against Gracie University

liuk3 - Don't need to start anymore. You can just start posting if every one existing already. Knock yourself out. Phone Post 3.0
If I do, will you follow me? Quoting my post so that it's double effective? Phone Post 3.0

JiuKaraKwonThaiKungDo Master - 
liuk3 - Don't need to start anymore. You can just start posting if every one existing already. Knock yourself out. Phone Post 3.0
If I do, will you follow me? Quoting my post so that it's double effective? Phone Post 3.0


1 Phone Post 3.0

PrisonMattressPuncher - 
JiuKaraKwonThaiKungDo Master - Phone Post 3.0

but....but....actually performing through from videos doesn't work???

supposedly he has videos of matches. no one is posting them though

Oh, must be photoshopped then. Phone Post 3.0

Hargreaves - back in 1998 thats all we had is tapes to learn from unless you flew across the world.
I remember training in a basement or living room with a VCR and Royce 1st tapes set basic,inter,advanced.
Later people became tape junky's purchase and exchanging to learn new stuff from different instructors.

-Mario Sperry gi,nogi,and vale tudo was a hit
-Erik Paulson
-Renzo tapes
-Mark Kerr
-Ralph series
-Tony Ceccine catch wrestling

There was a lot more such as the pathers Videos and for web training it was websites with pictures of techniques or grappling presents.

Most people only had Judo or wrestling programs so thats where everybody did there sparring in those days if you were not training in the basement ,lawns,living rooms.

It was such a different world back then and people are just so lucky today.

I'd say just do it all mginaction,gracie university, 10th planets web stuff,Go Train at a real club even if it's not bjj go to judo or wrestling ,sambo ,and what ever you can get your hands on learn whats useful for your body type.

If your having fun keep doing it!

This! Do it all! Phone Post 3.0

Dan Pagan - 
Hargreaves - back in 1998 thats all we had is tapes to learn from unless you flew across the world.
I remember training in a basement or living room with a VCR and Royce 1st tapes set basic,inter,advanced.
Later people became tape junky's purchase and exchanging to learn new stuff from different instructors.

-Mario Sperry gi,nogi,and vale tudo was a hit
-Erik Paulson
-Renzo tapes
-Mark Kerr
-Ralph series
-Tony Ceccine catch wrestling

There was a lot more such as the pathers Videos and for web training it was websites with pictures of techniques or grappling presents.

Most people only had Judo or wrestling programs so thats where everybody did there sparring in those days if you were not training in the basement ,lawns,living rooms.

It was such a different world back then and people are just so lucky today.

I'd say just do it all mginaction,gracie university, 10th planets web stuff,Go Train at a real club even if it's not bjj go to judo or wrestling ,sambo ,and what ever you can get your hands on learn whats useful for your body type.

If your having fun keep doing it!
This! Do it all! Phone Post 3.0

this i lived in bfe while in highschool and used the old carlson jr. tapes from panther productions to train with a bunch of guys from the wrestling team. we loved it.

i found the old vhs tapes a couple years ago at my parents house and was excited to rewatch them... they suck and i cant believe i learned anything from them. no comparison to GU.

i didnt apply for the teaching certificate that they were giving out with these vids...

rydney -

Old thread I just came across, but regardless of who Rorion may or may not be, I will say that I have learned so much more from the GA Combatives and Blue Belt Stripe 1 videos than I have from my live school it's a little silly. I don't even go there to learn technique anymore, I just go to roll. To be fair, the GA stuff is like an hour long private with Ryron and Rener to cover one technique, there's no way a live class with several people is going to be able to do the same in 30 minutes or less.

Awarding belts, I don't get involved in that because that's just belt chasing silliness, but the instructional value of what GA is putting out has to be seen to be understood.

I also think it's odd that the link for this thread goes to a Portugese language page that when translated doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Reminds me of the threads that popped up when Kron was on JRE saying he was putting down GA, but when someone actually listened to the podcast they discovered that he did nothing of the sort...

This. It should be used as a supplement to training. But the whole belt promotion thing is silly. It's interesting how they waited till after the Master died to do this. Phone Post 3.0

rydney - 

Old thread I just came across, but regardless of who Rorion may or may not be, I will say that I have learned so much more from the GA Combatives and Blue Belt Stripe 1 videos than I have from my live school it's a little silly. I don't even go there to learn technique anymore, I just go to roll. To be fair, the GA stuff is like an hour long private with Ryron and Rener to cover one technique, there's no way a live class with several people is going to be able to do the same in 30 minutes or less.

Awarding belts, I don't get involved in that because that's just belt chasing silliness, but the instructional value of what GA is putting out has to be seen to be understood.

I also think it's odd that the link for this thread goes to a Portugese language page that when translated doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Reminds me of the threads that popped up when Kron was on JRE saying he was putting down GA, but when someone actually listened to the podcast they discovered that he did nothing of the sort...

um, go to a real bjj school.

UGCTT_Fillthy - I think they started issuing belts in 2008 through GU, Helio passed in January of 2009...I might be off, but I'm pretty sure they've said that Helio was OK with the process
I might be off as well but the whole thing with taping yourself, sending it in and if everything looks good you get a belt in the mail, dunno about that. It doesn't seem like Master Helio would have gone along with that. Both Ryron and Rener can say what they want now because he's passed away. Phone Post 3.0

voodoo child - 
UGCTT_Fillthy - I think they started issuing belts in 2008 through GU, Helio passed in January of 2009...I might be off, but I'm pretty sure they've said that Helio was OK with the process
I might be off as well but the whole thing with taping yourself, sending it in and if everything looks good you get a belt in the mail, dunno about that. It doesn't seem like Master Helio would have gone along with that. Both Ryron and Rener can say what they want now because he's passed away. Phone Post 3.0

Would Helio have been enraged about it if he didn't know though?

If you read his personal book on what he states Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is, half the book is stand up techniques with a fair portion of that being weapon defenses.

The online curriculum so far released (up until Blue 2 I think? I don't follow too closely) is still way more advanced than the classes Helio would have taught in his original academy.

Kron said its sad that belts are being sold thru Gracie University. He can't control Ryron or Rener and that he's only concerned with his academy. He says that he has blues that have been there for 5 years and others that have left cause they felt they weren't promoted fast enough. He only promoted if they are ready and that other professors do quick promotions so they can pay a fee. If someone comes from the outside with a rank, he tests them to make sure they deserve it. You have to "bleed" at the academy and train with the professor to earn the belt. It's something you earn with time and experience, not money and friendship. It is critical of Gracie Unniversity belt promotions. Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_Fillthy - He's certainly earned the right to express his opinion, but to accuse the brothers of 'selling' belts is disingenuous. His standard for a blue belt may be different than theirs, but their standard is the same as their grandfather.

Really?? I wouldn't have thought that. Phone Post 3.0

Every time I read one of these "Gracie University" threads all I ever see is a bunch of closed minds. It must really tear at sine of you to fathom the possibility that a person can learn (and get graded) jiu-jitsu from a hybrid-distance learning format. I've seen the curriculum from GU and it's solid. It's not like they're showing bullshit stuff.

What is it that people think a bjj school and instructor provides for a student?

What is a "real" school?

This is our age, we need to learn to adapt and not cry witch at somebody who does things differently.

As for the whole belt grading and promotion: when I asked about it I was told in order to be promoted you actually have to be evaluated in person. Correct me on this if I'm wrong. Phone Post 3.0

You are wrong. Online video grading. Phone Post 3.0

I understand people being upset at the idea of purple, brown and black belts being handed out online without physical testing in person. However, we're talking about a blue belt here. It's a beginner belt, and not that big of a deal. I don't agree with the process, and think that all students need to be evaluated in person, and over at least a day or two of live rolling. But, It's not my academy nor is it my name on the belt.

The GRacie Instruction is the best ive ever seen IMO. For real Gracie Jiu Jitsu that is. For self defense

UGCTT_Fillthy - He's certainly earned the right to express his opinion, but to accuse the brothers of 'selling' belts is disingenuous. His standard for a blue belt may be different than theirs, but their standard is the same as their grandfather.

Are you sure about that? I believe that the requirements for blue belt may have changed/evolved even at the Gracie Academy versus say 10 or 15 years ago.

rydney -
voodoo child - Kron said its sad that belts are being sold thru Gracie University. He can't control Ryron or Rener and that he's only concerned with his academy. He says that he has blues that have been there for 5 years and others that have left cause they felt they weren't promoted fast enough. He only promoted if they are ready and that other professors do quick promotions so they can pay a fee. If someone comes from the outside with a rank, he tests them to make sure they deserve it. You have to "bleed" at the academy and train with the professor to earn the belt. It's something you earn with time and experience, not money and friendship. It is critical of Gracie Unniversity belt promotions. Phone Post 3.0

You translated it from the original Portugese? If not, you don't know what he said anymore than any of the rest of us gringos, which means you will claim you did and I won't believe you anyway. Find me an english language interview where Kron said this. Sort of like people tried to claim when Kron went on JRE, only they were lying about that too.

Maybe Kron said these things, maybe he didn't, but it seems odd that this one article would be the only place he ever said such critical things of GA. 

It's your right not to believe me and I really don't care. I know what I read and I stand by my translation. And I'm not a gringo. Thank you. Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_Fillthy - AFAIK, their grandfather considered someone a blue belt who could successfully defend themselves in street fight against a bigger, stronger, more athletic attacker who didn't know jiu-jitsu.

I know they've been teaching the Combatives curriculum, and awarding blue belts for proficiency in it, for a long time...definitely when their grandfather was alive. I don't know if he explicitly endorsed the GU methodology for assessing competency, but that was my understanding. I'll definitely ask about it when I'm in LA next week. Regardless, it's universally accepted that their grandfather selected Rorion as the standard-bearer for his jiu-jitsu, and Rorion obviously endorses the GU system.

Not so sure about that. I've seen pics of Royce at age 16 or so and he was still a blue belt. He made black belt within a few years of that, but it shows they were slow to promote.