Kung fu school tales

This is worth a repost...

Kung Fu school "challenge match

Two young punks challenged Shane! (1989)

In the first place, when you made a brief inquiry at our Kwoon, you specifically asked, "Do we get to spar Shane?" When I asked you if you wanted to spar Shane, you said yes with very little hesitation. When I told Shane that you and your friend wanted to spar him, It was quite obvious that he was offended and upset that some arrogant, smart ass punks would have the balls to issue a challenge! This explains the reason why he was screaming at you and your punk friend.

Secondly, he was disgusted by your pathetic lack of skills, your weak offensive moves and childish antics. He gave you the first twenty-five seconds or so to attack while he was on the defense and did not make any move to retaliate until you told him, "You've got to attack too!" To this, I replied, "Don't worry, he'll attack!" It was at this point that Shane let go and started attacking, yelling, "You got no respect!" "I'll kill you, you bitch!" Well, the rest, as you know, is history. For the record, I do have all of this on videotape.

'Gong Sau' challenges

Grandmaster Lacey commented, "Shane has done more for Choy Lay Fut in a relatively short period of time than anyone I can think of. I personally feel that Shane has earned the title of 'Sixth Black Panther of Buk Sing Choy Lay Fut'. He is the only one to hold the 'Four Star International Kung Fu Grand Champion' title four times in a row, until I advised him to retire in 1997. He has defended my honor and our Kwoon and brought glory to the Choy Lay Fut system. He has confronted all those who have betrayed me and tried to dishonor my name and integrity."

Unfortunately, there is more jealousy and rivalry in the Martial Arts than in most other sports and this will continue to exist. "Why is it that those disgruntled back stabbers who talk shit behind our back are saying our Kwoon is 'Chop Suey', etc. In that case, if they are so good, why don't they produce the same 'Four Star International Grand Champion' record as we do? Grandmaster Lacey finished his comment on the detractors of his Kwoon and teachings with a terse "I think they are all full of shit!"

There have been quite a few walk-in 'Gong Sau' challenges that were handled by Shane and some of the students of Buk Sing Choy Lay Fut in Newark and Fremont , California . These have occurred over the past twelve years or so, (1989-2000) but Sifu Lacey is reluctant to talk about most of them. This is primarily because he does not wish to embarrass the losers any further. Secondly, there is a particular rival group that will try and use this information to discredit his Kwoon in the hope to have it closed down-they have tried before and failed miserably!

And the point of this thread is?

Didn't you make this exact same thread about 18 months

what the fuck is this about?

18 months ago called, it wants it's thread back.

hey kungfu theater guy,

to redreem yourself, post pics of hot chicks quickly (amber and/or rochelle preferably)

"He continually mentions and boasts that he has the video tapes; yet he either lacks the ability or want to digitize them and put them on the web for the world to see. Hmm... yawn"

Also, how the hell does he always have a video camera on him if that is real?

I know who Shane is, my only comment, when Tat Mau Wong did his annual event in SF throughout the 90's he offered both San Da (full contact) and the foam dipped point fighting fag thing

Shane always did the point fighting....

"I know who Shane is, my only comment, when Tat Mau Wong did his annual event in SF throughout the 90's he offered both San Da (full contact) and the foam dipped point fighting fag thing
Shane always did the point fighting...."

My friends kids (12 and 14) train at his school..They rave about him..

"the 'Four Star International Kung Fu Grand Champion' title four times in a row"

They seem to think this stuff works great and should work in MMA. Kids have seen not TUF and UFC and thinks CLF should do well.

I am sure the Laceys can kick my ass. Against B or C level MMA fighters..I dunno..

Would CLF work in MMA? Well, if you did lots of sparring, focus mitt, Thai pads, heavy bag and conditioning

And if you learned to wrestle

And if you learned to grapple on the ground

And if you had a good coach

IE nothing special there, teh Gracie family didn't invent fighting... by now haven't we gotten past that basic idea?

in 3 letters....


need i say more....

..MMA is where it's at !!! not to mention many of MMA fighters do not need to go around boasting or telling of their super hero stories....

...take it to UFC or Pride or K1 ..show us ..pls :)

i love the word "kwoon"

steyr you are gay and your name represents a shitty ass weapons company.overated just like your kwoon(sounds like another word for pussy.)

san shou isnt mma

"assault" trust me when I say that no one in the San Shou community needs nor wants you to "defend" it...

"steyr you are gay and your name represents a shitty ass weapons company.overated just like your kwoon(sounds like another word for pussy.)"

My Steyr is superior, much like my Kung Fu!