Kyle Maynard

Kyle could tap half the people on this board who say he shouldnt fight. I hope they decide to let him fight, just to prove those wrong. Props to Damn Yankee and the HCG for their support for him. Go Kyle.

Im pretty sure I seen him make the podium at NAGA a few years back. How many of the haters on here have done that?

garybusey?? The actor?

"I dont doubt the possibility of his success in the GA amateur rules event." and you voted no???

^^^LOL! I love it.

"Why am I a hater"

The ridiculous term "hater" aside, anyone who thinks they have any right to determine the right of another able minded adult to engage in an activity that doesn't interfere with them is a selfish fuck.

i think we should let people with no arms box.

Why is it that people think mma would be dead if I got KO'ed? It's not 1997 anymore. Gotta love the paranoia though.

Ever think about the alternative, that more people might train and become fans based on the fact anyone's capable of learning?

Ask Diego Saraiva how many times he's triangled me. And while you're at it, ask Stephen Ledbetter how many time's he's RNC'ed me. In fact, ask Pat Miletich and Josh Neer how many times they've guillotined me.

I guess I have an unfair advantage since I learned positioning early on and don't leave myself in vulnerable spots Badmonkey

Unfortanatley kyle, peoples mentality is stuck in 1997 when it comes to MMA. I for one dont care if you fight or not. But people pass judgement on shit they dont even know a damn thing about. Thats ignorance for ya.

"Kyle could tap half the people on this board who say he shouldnt fight."

Yes, but can he outbox them? Can he even box them at all? No? Then why the insistence on an MMA match?

As Dead Again has pointed out, the pro-maynard-fighting side of this issue refuses to listen to a logical argument, and the only consistency in their advocacy seems to be that "grown adults should be able to do what they want." This hasn't been true since man gathered into societies, so give it a rest already.

The GSAC has decided, so until they reverse their decision this case is closed.

Lee, I believe kyle would smash you!

Lee, I also noticed its after 3:30. You must have just gotten home from school. Shouldnt you be doing your home work instead of posting on here?

"Unfortanatley kyle, peoples mentality is stuck in 1997 when it comes to MMA."

Yes, that is proven by the huge surge in popularity and how state after state that previously banned it now sanctions it. You make a great point!

"I for one dont care if you fight or not. But people pass judgement on shit they dont even know a damn thing about. Thats ignorance for ya."

Agreed, passing judgement on Kyle's right to fight because it might hurt the sport (which is so much crap anyway)is pretty ignorant.

Ray Mercer, Kimbo, and Tommy Morrison are all dramatically worse for the sport and yet they have all fought and it has been nothing more than a blip on the radar screen of mma.

"This hasn't been true since man gathered into societies"

Actually it hs been true since the beginning of time and will be true until the end of time.

smac1, What I mean by that is look at how many states still have not legalized it and there are still alot of people that have not jumped on the MMA bandwagon. The support has surged but there is still a huge hill to climb. And as far as passing judgement on his right to fight, I dont make any judgement on that, thats up to him and the athletic commision.

unless kyle fought an absolute tomato can he would not tap anyone. did you see the grappling match at naga? he tried to go for an armbar..not going to work for obvious reasons.

there are MANY reasons he should not fight. for one, it's no longer mixed martial arts once the ref says fight. since he is always grounded, there could not ever be any kicks or punches thrown unless you go for the ribs or stomach which is impossible with his condition.

it's just a submission wrestling match with punches to the body.

lets see some pics of this guy. also, vid os his grappling/wrestling stuff

If Kyle has achieved so much over the last 10 years, why was he denied? It sounds like he can compete despite the handicap.

If Kyle has worked this hard all of his life, this will only come across as a temporary setback. Best of luck to you Kyle.

"Actually it hs been true since the beginning of time and will be true until the end of time."

Really? Then how come Kyle isn't fighting on the Wild Bill's card in GA? I thought he wanted to, so what's stopping him?

"Really? Then how come Kyle isn't fighting on the Wild Bill's card in GA? I thought he wanted to, so what's stopping him?"

A bunch of losers abusing power that no man should ever have. That and the heard of sheeple who call themselves Americans who don't give a rats ass about it.