Lance Armstrong: Novitzky maximising his exposure

Twitter conversation as follows:

Jon Anik - Timing of this has really gotta piss a lot of people off. Supposedly Jones was tested in June. Process is thorough, sure. But 72 hours out?

Eric P - It's cause Jeff Novitzky wants to be in the spotlight. Just ask @lancearmstrong

Lance Armstrong - 100% correct Phone Post 3.0

I was also wondering why they would announce this 3 days before the fight? Phone Post 3.0

Wrong thread

They test for a huge list of substances both piss and blood and people are offended it took two and half weeks to be done.

What, do people really want a window at the end of the OOC training camp period where they don't test at all, really?

Didn't hear them complain when Andersons results took a month. Phone Post 3.0

lol at Eric P

Ed Okin -

Why would anyone care what the biggest fraud in all of sports has to say? Fuck Lance Armstrong.

I agree with the fuck Lance Armstrong sentiment completely. And clearly he has the world's largest axe to grind re: Novitsky. Still thought it was threadworthy given the weird time and given Novitzky's name is now in lights across the global mainstream media on the eve of the biggest event in MMA history Phone Post 3.0

Novitzky is only getting exposure because people want to blame him for Jones' transgression. Phone Post 3.0

ChaosOverkill - 

They test for a huge list of substances both piss and blood and people are offended it took two and half weeks to be done.

What, do people really want a window at the end of the OOC training camp period where they don't test at all, really?


And thanks for you opinion, Lance. lol

Ed Okin - 

Why would anyone care what the biggest fraud in all of sports has to say? Fuck Lance Armstrong.

biggest POS in sports, ever

I blame the cheating cunts like Jones and Armstrong for giving Jeff Whateverthefuckshisname a reason to actually be in the spotlight. If they were clean, he has no podium.

Fuck them waaaay ahead of USADA. Phone Post 3.0

Admiral Iraqbar - Novitzky is only getting exposure because people want to blame him for Jones' transgression. Phone Post 3.0
He made the announcement. It was "announced by Jeff Novitzky." That's the only publicity he's getting. That's near the top of every mainstream story about it Phone Post 3.0

Over a dozen replies in and I have to be the one to remind folks that Novitzky doesn't work for USADA, he works for the UFC.

I think everyone is aware of that? Phone Post 3.0

The Power Double - I think everyone is aware of that? Phone Post 3.0

Apparently Eric P is not.

epwar -
The Power Double - I think everyone is aware of that? Phone Post 3.0

Apparently Eric P is not.
I think there's a fair chance Eric P knows that too. Novitzky works directly with USADA in his role with the UFC

Also fuck Lance Armstrong Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, because Armstrong isn't butthurt at all...he's as much of a piece of filth as Jones. Phone Post 3.0

Fuck Lance Armstrong. Greg Lemond is the greatest cyclist ever Phone Post 3.0

Lance Armstrong can shut his hoar mouth Phone Post 3.0