Laura Sanko making her PPV debut this Saturday alongside DC & Anik the addict

They have been training her for years and this is the kind of shit she is actually coming out with?

‘‘Extemporaneous’’ is clearly a word that she has been taught to use in order to sound more intelligent than she actually is.

Instead it makes it even more obvious that she is a diversity hire who isn’t remotely qualified for the job.


Meh. Stick her ass in a bikini and maybe I’ll care. Otherwise I’d rather listen to Rogan or Bisping.

I watch sports to get away from chicks talking to me. Fucking annoying this beta trend of letting women saturate our sports from every angle.



Thank you.

I’d fuck her but give me a break with the diversity hire bullshit. It’s everywhere. Let me escape for a few hours without some bitch saying dumb shit to me.


Bring back Bruce Beck!


I personally would like to see Scott Ferozzo in the booth

Aniks the shill DC is the fighter … sanko is rogan

Nick Young Reaction GIF

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Aubrey Plaza Ok GIF by truTV’s The Chris Gethard Show


She might Sank - OUUUUU!

andrew dice clay hickory dickory dock GIF

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Looks like Michelle Lopez the Roger Huerta stalker.

Laura Sanko had ONE yes only one professional MMA fight with Invicta. How can anyone with a straight face say she is qualified to be a UFC commentator, and not only that but to actually be in the booth for a PPV! Ridiculous


It shows just what kind of Clown world we live in where an extremely knowledgeable and experienced commentator like Jimmy Smith was let go but some girl who had just one professional MMA fight over a decade ago is given the job instead?


I will tell you this about Jimmy Smith

When he signed his UFC contract, a few people asked the terms and length of it

When they found out that it was a 1 year contract, they all said that he was fucked.

The belief behind the scenes was that as a commentator he was so good, that the UFC gave him the 1 year in order to poison the Bellator well.

It seemed that everyone saw it coming other than Jimmy

With that said, I respect his ability behind the mic a lot


That’s right I remember now I think about it.

I think Jimmy even admitted it was a risk in an interview if I remember correctly?

Scum move by the UFC I think poisoning the well was exactly their intention here.

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Damn…i honestly cant remember him doing many events but thought he was around longer that that…cold business

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She will be commentating fights LIVE?? LOOL
emma watson lol GIF
Is this a joke?

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Everyone saw it coming except him

Some blamed JS ego, others believed that he was naïve


I think Laura does well commentating on fights. I enjoy her doing Invicta cards and DWCS… Think she does LFA also but I don’t see many of their cards. IDK why she gets hate besides the fact she dont got a dick.

I don’t get why they’re doing this. She’s not bad but she’s definitely not as good as the men.

Is it for marketing or is it for diversity like every fucking organisation in the western world is currently parroting

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This sums it up

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I count this as woke shit