least fun drug u ever did??


Ever see Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? The scene when Hunter S Thompson (Depp) first checks into the hotel pretty much sums it up. Not "fun" at all.

LSD's awesome, don't knock it.

xanax and alcohol may make you act stupid, but its hardly a bad combination fun wise.

smoking ice is scary. much better than coke or crack, none of the depression and shit moodswings

also 10x worst for you..i smoked it twice and never touched it again

bottle of cheap vodka + 20g wet mushrooms
the drunkeness made me think it would be a good idea - ended up feeling like my skin was trying to escape from my body, and lasted about 6 hours.

Prozac and LSD

prozac and zoloft recreationally must be hard up

getting as high as possible without passing out on OC is heavenly. "nodding" i guess.

ive never injected opiates so never experienced the next level and never will. they say after mainlining heroin life becomes meaningless because being high on heroin is 100 times better than ANYTHING ELSE even orgasm. scary

Feel broke after ALCOHOL
LSD made me crazy
XTC was very depressing (after math)

Been looking into this DXM stuff - seems to be cough medicine, right?

A dissociative. Similar effects to ketamine?

cabal, like a way poor mans ketamine, doesnt feel like it should be used for consumption type high and hevy body load

Thanks, erik. Might give it a miss then.

cabal like 5 of us took it 2 of us enjoyed it 1 of us totally freaked out and the other 2 were just wow we are fucked up this is like robot world

WOO! I love robot world.

"smoking ice is scary. much better than coke or crack, none of the depression and shit moodswings"

im pretty familiar with coke and even crack to some degree.

my brother is a raging icehead and i have to disagree wit h you whole heartedly. when this fucker is tweaking he can go from normal to killer in a blink of the eye.

anyone ever try trumpet lillies. I heard some guy cut his own cock off on that stuff.

How about salvia?

cid was the worst thing I ever tried. shrooms on the other hand r good times.

what does nutmeg do to you? I like it on ham

"anyone ever try trumpet lillies. I heard some guy cut his own cock off on that stuff"

Yep (Jimson Weed), couldn't get anything off it but I don't think I prepared it well. Will have another go at some point, with a trip sitter.

"How about salvia?"

Not impressed, just like being stoned for me.

jesus, you fuckers are hardcore. I felt like a druggie when i tried x. That shit lasted like 50 hours, i couldnt sleep and i started seeing shit by the end of the trip. Never ever going to do that again.

I stopped smoking weed last week cause i thought i was getting too exteme, i think i had like 3 hits a week and i started to think that i dont need this shit.

You guys are fucking EXTREME

Speed...the next day just ain't worth it.