Lesnar: Low class

Brock knows how to play the part of the bad guy, and it's made him very successful.

A lot of people like to root for the villain, and the ones who don't still love to talk about them.

"Brock Is An Asshole" threads will easily outnumber "GSP Is So Nice" threads by 100 to 1. Maybe it isn't fair, but it's true.

Like him or not, he's capable of single-handidly catapulting the UFC to the next level in terms of popularity. It remains to be seen whether or not that's a good thing.

Mister Brooks - "McLeod - What I don't understand is why the people who are/were fans of the WWE don't see that Brock was a character in the WWE and now he is not. He may try to play things up, but basically he is being himself. And that is a guy who is a douche."

The thing is, a lot of the douches in here can't accept the fact that he's a douche in real life.

They wanna believe so badly that he's just doing some WWE schtick, he's just "trolling", he's just playing the anti-hero to self-promote. See Frank Trigg for the legit version of that type of fighter.

All of those things might work out in his favor and his bank account, but at the end of the day...he IS an asshole, he's always been an asshole. He has a documented history of being an asshole and a bully. The stint in the WWE, a profession he never respected and only did for the money and filled with extreme egomaniacs and borderline personalities only fueled it.

But so many of the naive tards wanna believe that it's all an act and he's really some sweet humble unassuming guy with a heart of gold who likes puppies and rainbows and long walks on the beach. Lmfao.

If he was respectfull to his opponents, if he did suck up to the fans and care what they think...that would be the schtick...that would be fake.

But besides being a dick as a person, he also has a history of flakiness and unprofessionalism on the business side.

The Coors/Bud Light thing will only be the tip of the iceberg as a sign of things to come. I fully expect him to try and screw over the UFC at some point as I always have the moment they signed him. I expect some sort kind of contract dispute a la Tito or Randy. The UFC is making a lot of money with him right now but I expect them to get burned by him in the end.

He'll want more money, he'll get bored and wanna try out for the Lakers or something, or he'll get tempted back to the WWE by Vince McMahon with the biggest $$$$$ ever...whatever...he'll try to leave with the belt at some point or he'll just up and "quit"...only to attempt to resurface and cash in somewhere else later.

Brock has done more to hype the sport in America than Fedor has. He should be the one that propels MMA but he acts like he doenst give a shit about it he just wants the most money possible. So dont be a hypocrite just becasue you dont like brock

Brock annihilated Mir, but it's Mixed Martial Arts and in martial arts there is some level of respect. Brock will be on the other end of beating soon enough though and face karma.

I think we should all drink a case of Bud Light in protest of Brock!

I thought he was great. Hendo was far worse in his lack of sportsmanship. I think Brock is great for the sport

I basically thought that in his post-fight interview he cut a WWE "promo"....the exact reason I don't like the guy. If he wants to be taken seriously in the UFC he needs to knock that shit off.

RaginRedneck169 - I basically thought that in his post-fight interview he cut a WWE "promo"....the exact reason I don't like the guy. If he wants to be taken seriously in the UFC he needs to knock that shit off.

If he wants to be taken seriously he needs to beat Frank Mir, Heath Herring and Randy Couture ... Ooops. He already did that. Being taken seriously should be determined by what he does in the Octagon, not by what he says before or after fights. Get a grip.

 Brock Lesnar has more class than all the thousands of weekend bjj warriors combined. Just becuse he could sub you six ways to sunday with Pro Wrestling holds that you've never heard or seen before in all your private lessons doesn't justify the means to hate on the guy. It's a sad day when hunting, fighting and raising a family is considered  low class

He is just doing his marketing... bet he will sell more ppv now more because of the post fight antics than the fight itself.

when did all the nancy girls from church start watching MMA?

You're all confused. Lesnar just doesn't play the silly games 99% of other MMA stars do.

You know, talking shit and acting tough, then shaking hands afterwards & hugging.

If you talk shit on Lesnar, he'll beat your ass then laugh at you afterwards.

LOL at Lesnar Flipped all the people in the Venue..poor fans

From: Squared Circle Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile
Posted: 7 hours ago
Member Since: 11/20/08
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Brock > UFC
Brock > MMA

Member since 11/20/08 = WWE Fanboy

BzGrappla - actually LESNAR is in the upper class.

He gots a big ass house, land, championship belt, shit load of money, charisma, athletisicm, hot blonde wife, gym, etc.

i'd say he is doing alright.

you can polish a piece of shit, it's still a piece of shit.

He has the American dream, and nobody handed that to him. No rich father handing his spoiled brat son money. All his hard work. Great win for Lensar. He is the Man/Juggernaut.

A huge point is being overlooked here, that being that it was MIR who got in Brock's face after the fight...not vice versa. This was even mentioned in the post fight presser and Brock said he didn't even think Mir knew what was happening or where he was.

If Lesnar weren't ever in WWE all the haters would be swinging from his nuts and he'd be the babyface mma hero. Herring and Mir talked shit about his WWE background, and he embarrassed them for it. He was being booed at the weigh in and walk in, I wonder why? I wonder where all the hate originated?

He sees the angle and he plays it. He probably would have been a total babyface if he'd never been in WWE and all the haters would be cheering for him and hyping him up. Instead he is like the Rodney Dangerfield of MMA and is feeding off of it.