Like Water: Is It Ever Coming Out?

Does anyone have any news about the movie? I've been wanting to see this for a long time now but I can't seem to find any information. Did they ever get a distributor?

According to imdb its release date is march 2, 2012. I don't know if that's in theaters or DVD. Phone Post

 yeah.. I've been excited to see this as well

Hope soon Phone Post

 What's with all these MMA movies and their like 3-year expectancies? There are so many good ones lined up that we hear about forever and never get to see.

At least Driven came out already! We wanna see these movies man!

Zuffa probably held it up for copy-write issues. They may have had to re-edit the whole damn thing )-:

I thought I remembered Blackhouse's facebook page saying June or something. sometime in spring or early summer I HOPE

 I'd love to see it. Missed my chance to get a peek at Tribeca.

You will not be dissapointed.

Is the movie comprised solely of interviews of fighters & celebrities talking about Bruce Lee?

Andersons'sPiece - You will not be dissapointed.

Holy lurker batman!!! Have you seen it? How?

Quik - Is the movie comprised solely of interviews of fighters & celebrities talking about Bruce Lee?


I thought this was about Anderson Silva

This same thread is made every month... Anyway, I saw the movie and commented in another form<br />"Oh, I saw this at the Tribeca Film Festival and it was really enjoyable. The movie was filmed between Abu Dabi and Anderson's August fight with Chael. Going to see this at the festival was really cool because of all the non MMA fans who were in attendance. One woman even said in the QnA how she had never seen Mixed Martial Arts before, but was now a fan of Anderson.So the film starts off with a bad ass highlight of everyone he has crushed in his UFC career and then transitions to Maia and the fallout from that fight. It shows Dana White's reactions and paints...well I was going to say paints Chael as the bad guy but he did that to himself (in the QnA the editor even said he thinks Chael is a sociopath).The movie shows the audience how hard a Mixed Martial Artist of Anderson's caliber prepares for a fight, but even more than that how taxing it is on his relationship to his family. There is a scene with his wife in the beginning where she says he is gone for months, comes home for a week, and then is gone for months again.You see him training with Satoshi Ishii, but the don't have the cameras on when he gets injured however they show after and he really is fucked up. He can barely train and even in the warm up room at the event he is in tremendous pain.For everyone here there will be very little in the doc that will surprise you, which was the kind of audience I was suspecting would be the same audience I was viewing the movie with but it was not. This led to one of my favorite parts where earlier in the movie a reporter asked Anderson if he was doing any different training for Chael to which Anderson said, "I have been training with Steven Seagal,". I knew this was true so it didn't really phase me but I didn't know no one else did so later in the movie when they show Anderson with the GRAND MASTER SENSEI people kinda freaked out and it was hilarious.Anyway in short this movie is the perfect movie to show people who don't understand MMA. It really is great for those who think it is just some blood sport or have never seen it.<br />***Someone asked the editor if he ever found out why Anderson did what he did against Damien and his answer was kind of interesting, but in the sense that Anderson was probably trolling the dude. He said Anderson told him that he lost his range and the fight being outside in the heat didn't help. He said Anderson also said something about some rivalry their camps had in the past which made me think of BTT vs Chute Box (but that sounds like Anderson was bullshiting him considering he loves Nog) however in the end the editor said whenever they brought it up Anderson kind of changed the subject and that no one not even Anderson's team knew why he did that."

Better Mouse Trap - Zuffa probably held it up for copy-write issues. They may have had to re-edit the whole damn thing )-:

You're thinking of Fitch's documentary, "Such Great Heights".

 Thanks for the review David M

Yeah it was really good. If you guys have any questions I'll answer them.

Cant wait to see it

UGCTT_RickStorm - 
Quik - Is the movie comprised solely of interviews of fighters & celebrities talking about Bruce Lee?

I thought this was about Anderson Silva

You're right! I was thinking of the Bruce Lee docu coming out soon

Andersons'sPiece - You will not be dissapointed.

Who is this mystery man?

thanks for that post David M. I am jealous