List of fighters who finish Shogun faster

a one legged Shogun with 0 cardio coming off major knee surgery loses in 1 round to


give it up

^didnt he finish him faster?

Shogun beats them all

The Cats Pajamas - Oh god, this is just pathetic. Jones is THE BETTER FIGHTER. lol at a knee surgery 7 months ago making the difference between being complete destroyed and winning Phone Post

yea lol at not being able to train for a significant period of time having anything to do with your performance

 jones would beat shogun of any era. jones is the real deal. give it up.

ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - ^didnt he finish him faster?

 If you're referring to Forrest, Forrest finished Shogun at the end of round 3.

McCorkleRuinedMySN -  jones would beat shogun of any era. jones is the real deal. give it up.

the old Shogun finishes crippled Shogun in 2 minutes tops,so i respectfully disagree

You sound like a total idiot. In an actual fight that actually happened Jones finished him. You've resorted to pitting Shogun against himself?

There are plenty of fighters who could finish Shogun quick because Shogun isnt all that good. Bones is just a better fighter than him, as are several other LHWs


Sweet screenname, bro.

ecnedivorp - You sound like a total idiot. In an actual fight that actually happened Jones finished him. You've resorted to pitting Shogun against himself?

Discussion over!!

ecnedivorp - You sound like a total idiot. In an actual fight that actually happened Jones finished him. You've resorted to pitting Shogun against himself?

yea he finished him,when did i say he didnt? I think everyone agrees that the Shogun who had a bounce in his step and is mobile and accurate and sharp,the one who beat Machida,looked light years better then he did sat night.It has NOTHING to do with Jones,he could have been out there trying to jump rope and he would have looked bad.He was injured

Jones hurting Rua in R1 had more to do with the win then any knee surgery IMO.
Jones was the better fighter that night, will he be the better fighter in a rematch we will see.
Smack Talking Jones down after a great fight not only discredits him it also discredits Shogun.

If Rua knew his knee's or cardio would not hold up he should have came out and made it a dog fight immediately.

I'll be taking Rua in the rematch if Jones can hold the strap for a couple more fights ( styles make fights ), until then give the champ some credit. stopping Shogun with strikes is huge no matter what Shogun it was.

show me 1 gif where Shogun has any bounce in his step and isnt gingerly moving across the cage,then ill stop posting

his one kick attempt looked like he never threw one before

Cognitive dissonance is a hellova drug.

King Koopa -

"I think (what went wrong during the fight) was that the very first strikes Jones landed on Shogun, that knee and the head kick, may have taken his gas away."

Even Murilo doesn't make excuses. Now to pick which one to believe, a troll or Shogun's brother. Guess who I pick.

'Ninja' Rua: 'Shogun' has fought tougher guys than Jon Jones
That's what he tells "Jon Jones is a respectful athlete, he's young, but my brother is the favorite for the experience he has, he's fought tougher guys than Jones.

Yea i beleive him also

ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - show me 1 gif where Shogun has any bounce in his step and isnt gingerly moving across the cage,then ill stop posting

Guess you should have taken all this into account before making that screenname bet, dumdum.