List of fighters who finish Shogun faster

King Koopa - 
ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - 

'Ninja' Rua: 'Shogun' has fought tougher guys than Jon Jones
That's what he tells "Jon Jones is a respectful athlete, he's young, but my brother is the favorite for the experience he has, he's fought tougher guys than Jones.

Yea i beleive him also

Guess what happened in the fight xD

he got his ass kicked by someone who isnt that tough? Injuries are a bitch arent they?

Like i said,if he was out there jumping rope he would have looked bad.He could barely get his leg off the ground at any point.His knees had no explosiveness when he was in the clinch,it looked like an old man exercising to a p90 video in slomotion

Jones looked great,this takes nothing away from him.I just think Shogun loses to the above list in the first round when he is fresh off major surgery and hasnt had a chance to get into shape

orcus - Guess you should have taken all this into account before making that screenname bet, dumdum.

i regretted making the bet when i saw Shogun run the cage before the fight,usually he is explosive and hopping up and down.I knew the fight was over before it started.I actually didnt think he would make it through the first round when i saw that.I noticed the same thing before the Forrest fight so it didnt take a genius to figure it out.I should have known better though,i assumed he learned his lesson from the Forrest fight and actually had the leverage to say no to fighting if he wasnt healthy and in shape.I assumed wrong

ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - 
ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - show me 1 gif where Shogun has any bounce in his step and isnt gingerly moving across the cage,then ill stop posting


GingerWhinger - 
ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - 
ecnedivorp - You sound like a total idiot. In an actual fight that actually happened Jones finished him. You've resorted to pitting Shogun against himself?

yea he finished him,when did i say he didnt? I think everyone agrees that the Shogun who had a bounce in his step and is mobile and accurate and sharp,the one who beat Machida,looked light years better then he did sat night.It has NOTHING to do with Jones,he could have been out there trying to jump rope and he would have looked bad.He was injured

So it's like the Old Vitor, New Old Vitor or a motivated BJ Penn? Right.

I never defended either of those guys.Knees are kinda important in fighting.Especially for someone like Shogun who uses knees in the clinch and throws alot of legkicks.You probably couldnt pick a fighter that a knee injury would hamper more then it would hamper Shogun

ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - 
orcus - Guess you should have taken all this into account before making that screenname bet, dumdum.

i regretted making the bet when i saw Shogun run the cage before the fight,usually he is explosive and hopping up and down.I knew the fight was over before it started.I actually didnt think he would make it through the first round when i saw that.I noticed the same thing before the Forrest fight so it didnt take a genius to figure it out.I should have known better though,i assumed he learned his lesson from the Forrest fight and actually had the leverage to say no to fighting if he wasnt healthy and in shape.I assumed wrong
Given your own observations, you should admit to yourself that you are not objective. It would help with your coping process.

You discount Shogun's legacy by underselling him. He fought like a warior, and lesser mortals would have broken long before he did. I am even more of a Shogun fan now than I was before. No reason to act like a member of the UKTT just because your guy lost.

Zedlepln - 
ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - 
orcus - Guess you should have taken all this into account before making that screenname bet, dumdum.

i regretted making the bet when i saw Shogun run the cage before the fight,usually he is explosive and hopping up and down.I knew the fight was over before it started.I actually didnt think he would make it through the first round when i saw that.I noticed the same thing before the Forrest fight so it didnt take a genius to figure it out.I should have known better though,i assumed he learned his lesson from the Forrest fight and actually had the leverage to say no to fighting if he wasnt healthy and in shape.I assumed wrong
Given your own observations, you should admit to yourself that you are not objective. It would help with your coping process.

You discount Shogun's legacy by underselling him. He fought like a warior, and lesser mortals would have broken long before he did. I am even more of a Shogun fan now than I was before. No reason to act like a member of the UKTT just because your guy lost.

He did fight like a warrior,anyone who can go the better part of 3 rounds on basically one good leg against a top 5 lhw is always gonna be a warrior.He took a beating in the process.

If you are truly objective then you would say the opposing school of thought is more biased then mine,im just saying the injury played a big part in his performance,the other school of thought is that it had nothing to do with his performance.To say it had nothing to do with his performance is the non objective stance

I cant find a period of 1 minute in his career where he wasnt injured that he didnt have a bounce in his step,yet every minute of this fight he dragged his feet around the cage when he was walking the cage and couldnt get his legs off the ground.That sounds like a pretty objective way to come to a conclusion

im still waiting for 1 gif to show he has a bounce in his step that would imply his knees were in good shape,the one kick i remember him throwing looked horrific and when he brought his leg down there was a noticeable split second of him being off balance and it looked like he really couldnt support his weight

Sadly, I'd like to give Jones credit, but after seeing Shogun flip flop so much since coming to the UFC I don't know if it was a valid win. Yes, beating Shogun is awesome, but he came in to the fight 3 wins 2 losses. I would like to hear from Shogun if he was 100%. I know people are making excuses about his knee, but it was a major knee surgery. It could have hindered him in training.

I'd like to hear from Shogun about it but he's too humble to make excuses. I'd like to see Jones dominate Rashad then I can give him more credit. Still an outstanding young fighter!

kanodogg - LelandMMA, I have a feeling if Jones runs over Rashad, people will cite Shads knee injury and yearlong layoff. Give Jones some credit, he demolished shogun on relatively short notice. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

I do give him credit he beat a great fighter, but it wasn't a great win if Shogun was injured. Shogun was stumbling around alot. Not sure if it was his knee or just getting rocked. He didn't look like himself at all. But hey, who knows.

The difference between Rashad and Shogun is Rashad hasn't had nearly as many injuries or ups and downs as Shogun. So I don't think that can be a good argument. Shogun had no killer instinct in that fight. We have seen Shogun go up and down in the UFC. You can't really say the same about Rashad. He always comes game.

Don't make excuses Shogun didn't

please do not feed the troll

jj bashing thread #3,790 since saturday btw...

just sayin..

 Obviously Mark Coleman (49 seconds).  I doubt all the rest.

OP is a sandy cunt. These threads are getting re-godamn-diculous already. Where were you before the fight saying he was hurt? There were 100 threads saying Shoguns %100 and is gonna kill Bones. Grow up, your super hero lost. He is just a man.

subwrassler - please do not feed the troll

jj bashing thread #3,790 since saturday btw...

just sayin..

For realz.

Shogun has a chin of stone.  Good luck finishing him in 1 round.

There was no card issue. Jones landed a flush flying knee in the very beginning of the fight that put him on queer street. Then smothered him on the ground doing lots of damage and covering shoguns mouth and such draining his energy quick. Jones beats shogun of any day. And will beat him again anyday. Phone Post

Focker101 - Jones hurting Rua in R1 had more to do with the win then any knee surgery IMO.
Jones was the better fighter that night, will he be the better fighter in a rematch we will see.
Smack Talking Jones down after a great fight not only discredits him it also discredits Shogun.

If Rua knew his knee's or cardio would not hold up he should have came out and made it a dog fight immediately.

I'll be taking Rua in the rematch if Jones can hold the strap for a couple more fights ( styles make fights ), until then give the champ some credit. stopping Shogun with strikes is huge no matter what Shogun it was.

Rua actually tried to make it a dogfight fast but Jones tossed him immediately to the canvas. For about 30 seconds Shogun looked fresh and threw a couple of bombs. Then the work rate on the ground did him in.

LelandMMA - Sadly, I'd like to give Jones credit, but after seeing Shogun flip flop so much since coming to the UFC I don't know if it was a valid win. Yes, beating Shogun is awesome, but he came in to the fight 3 wins 2 losses. I would like to hear from Shogun if he was 100%. I know people are making excuses about his knee, but it was a major knee surgery. It could have hindered him in training.

I'd like to hear from Shogun about it but he's too humble to make excuses. I'd like to see Jones dominate Rashad then I can give him more credit. Still an outstanding young fighter!

This I agree with.

jct71 - OP is a sandy cunt. These threads are getting re-godamn-diculous already. Where were you before the fight saying he was hurt? There were 100 threads saying Shoguns %100 and is gonna kill Bones. Grow up, your super hero lost. He is just a man.

Hmm seems to me most people knew that there was a great chance that ring rust and cardio were going to be an issue in this fight. Almost everyone had concerns about this and all had worries about his knee surgery coming into play.I could find you dozens of articles all saying this in advance. Who ever said Shogun was 100 percent?

jimbobyeaboy - Shogun would fall to the ground just looking across the cage at Anderson Silva. Phone Post

after knee surgery,Anderson finishes crippled Shogun in 1 round,i didnt include him because hes a mw

NarlyPersianRug - 
.Knees are kinda important in fighting.

especially when they bounce off your face 10 seconds into the first.


yea Shogun didnt even have enough lateral movement to do anything but eat the knee,that cage floor mineaswell have been wet concrete.The guy couldnt move.He walked the cage like it was slippery ice,he couldnt even pick his feet off the floor