LittleMick's New Supplement

This is LittleMick's new energy supplement. I hope he doesn'r mind me posting this.

I didn't hear anything about 20 inch guns :(

Sound the alarm... you're going to be uncomfortably energetic!

At first I laughed, but the though of kicking mother nature in the face is tempting.

LMFAO@ kicking mother nature inthe face with turbo legs lol!!

where is LittleMick tho??

I want to run as fast as kenyans, but I'm afraid of being deported to kenya; it may be that this drink is not for me.

400 babies!


I'm literallly in tears right now...that is the funniest fucking thing I've seen in years...right up there with the farting preacher.

 Hey JCB,

I have been laughing all morning from this. And the sequel is even better...comes in a new flavor...GUN! 

 "It's like a fighter jet made of BICEPS!"

Thanks for making my morning extra funny.


 Hey SuperS,

I laugh until I cry every time I hear that part...Kick Mother Nature in the face with your "Energy Legs"


The 2nd one of these is HILARIOUS. So are some of the parodies; surprised no one's posted these before.

taku i am going to watch it again for kicks LOL :)


lol ...damn LM i aint see one dAMN woman in that video although i may neeed to try my luck wit that hairstyle :)
