LOL - Diego BOOed


fez imo

Diego was dressed like a PIMP! Woo!

lol @ not being a "real" fight fan if you boo Diego.

I'm sorry I thought this was a sport about who has the most talent not whose got the best persona. And for all of you making fun of Diego's attire and hair please re-watch the parts that had Forrest in them. Looks the the Queer Eye guys got ahold of him.

he got booed because he's an asshole and he's arrogant, that's all

Why in the hell do you people care what someone wears? Bunch of

This is the way all sports are guys. In Baseball, many guys consistently get booed, same with basketball, football, hockey, etc.

Diego is a complete goofball, and really hard to like. I respect what he did with Diaz, but that doesn't change the facts.

Diego also made the mistake of jumping way ahead of himself by calling out the champ, when he is not even in the same hemisphere as Hughes.

The guy that just got dominated by GSP would completely annihilate Diego. Sherk would make Diego look like a complete amateur. I can guarantee you this.

Who was the baseball guy that got booed? Palmero?


diego is his own worst enemy. He is legit. But hes also got a huge ego problem. beating diaz was impressive but diaz didnt even seem like he had a plan until the third round when he started defending shots. I think diaz assumed he would sub diego no problem. The first guy diego fights that he cant take down, and can throw a straight punch, he will lose. The kid is legit but the UFC is taking measured bets when they match him up. Id like to see Kos get another win and then rematch diego. Or now after last night, fight sherk. I bet youll see that early next year.

Diego looks better with the long hair look, though he does look tougher with the crew cut he had on the show. I agree with the previous assertion that it looked like Forrest was prettied up with a new hairstyle by the Queer crew.

Diego marches to the beat of a different drummer, and he is probably getting a lot of advice on his look, now that he has some fame from the show. He is just trying to make the most out of his current fame, which can be fleeting and short lived. His controversial persona is a breath of fresh air for the UFC, and it is just him being himself, unlike tito who I think exaggerates his persona when given the chance.

I wouldn't put to much weight on the audience booing him. They booed EVERYTHING. NOTHING made them happy, lol.

Everytime they would show a close up of ANYTHING on the screen they'd boo.

Joe Rogan: On screen now is little Timmy. His family were all eaten by a pack of rabid gazelle and he lost both of his legs in the melee. Timmy has kept on going solely due to this dream to be here live at UFC and...


Diego is funny.

"but he always looks like a gay porn star"

How would you know??

Diego's a freak, but I'd pay to watch him fight.

He's the perfect heel for MMA, kinda like "The Model" Rick Martel, or maybe The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

I am not particularly enamored with DIEGO, but I did find him one of the most interesting characters for the TUF season 1. He is brash and cocky and a little eccentric. But he is also apparently a ehll of a competitor who backs it up. He has proven himself to be a formidable grappler, and the coming out party against much better competition in Diaz shows eh may be the best fighter offspring from the series.

I like the longer haried look and the facial hair, gives him a little flair like the Zorro that he thinks he is.  His ego is eating up this newfound fame.  Lets just sit back and enjoy ( possibly laugh at) what happens with this guy in the near future, and see how he handles the ups and downs.

He seems to have a pretty good well rounded camp down there in New Mexico, and if improves on his striking he can beceom the FERNANDO VARGAS of MMA.   He could be a huge draw from the Hispanic boxing PPV buyers and DANA WHITE and ZUFFA

ken didnt recognize him either

Let's see Diego against either Karo, Sherk, or Charuto next, and we can once and for all put an end to all the hype.