LOL @ Hatton's Wife

You'll have a shot at her now, Jack

Jack Carter - You're looking at her face, guys.


Don't you suckers know how to look into a woman's eyes to see her soul? You still can't get past a woman's deceptive, superficial reactions?

look into her eyes,lol, on this site?

 Jack is such a bitter douche. 

i dont know if this is kosher, but I received an intense hard-on watching her in extreme distress bawling her eyes out.

anyone else?

"why do you guys feel the need to defend or care about some girl who doesn't give a shit about any of you??

and who wouldn't respect your asses if she happened to meet any of you

to many sissies on this site "

Its called respect for another human being. So by your logic being a pussy=having a sense of decency?

kill yourself

lol @ people biting on this Troll.

Jack always has been and always will be the forums biggest trolls.

Unfortunately because of all the reactionary people on this site he's quite successful at it

Is it Sensitive Sunday for people in this thread?

jay1220 - some of you guys are way to sensitive

why do you guys feel the need to defend or care about some girl who doesn't give a shit about any of you??

and who wouldn't respect your asses if she happened to meet any of you

to many sissies on this site

until that happends

thats just proof that money and fame brings vag 

Jack Carter... Congrats...

YOU have won this months Douchebag Award...and its early in the month. Tough to do.

Contact Kirik and you will get a free DB shirt.

and good luck next month. You are already the front runner to repeat.

pathetic attempt by Jack to get attention

HUGE FAGGOT THREAD ! She was concerned...looked worried. why are you calling aher a bitch ? I felt bad for her.

I felt bad for Ricky.

She looked pretty concerned

^women dont fall for good looks, you know that

lol at this thread backfiring.

jay1220-"...some of you guys are way to sensitive

why do you guys feel the need to defend or care about some girl who doesn't give a shit about any of you??

and who wouldn't respect your asses if she happened to meet any of you

to many sissies on this site-"---------------------------------------------------------------Jack started this thread completely unprovoked. Do you actually agree w/ him ? It's not like he cares about you if he ever happened to meet you.

Why did you feel the need to post on here and defend him ? Are you a bitter woman hater as well ? You and Jack should exchange numbers.

Using this as a subject for trolling is in horribly bad taste. But then it's Jack Carter so we shouldn't be surprised.

Jack Carter - You're looking at her face, guys.


Don't you suckers know how to look into a woman's eyes to see her soul? You still can't get past a woman's deceptive, superficial reactions?

I always try to see their souls throught their pussy or ass.
Works better imo.

Im going to have to take Jack's side. She seems like another trophy wife leeching onto him for his money and fame, and their is something really creepy about her in that after fight photo which is where I draw my previous analysis. You need to know how to read peoples eyes and when you look into her eyes in her reaction it seems like there is a feeling of is he ok but also a lot of OMG I can't believe he lost.