LOL @ Hatton's Wife

Posty Magee - 

^ that goddamned song LOL

Posty Magee - 
Posty Magee - 


what a lack of class..... just wow what a fucking doucher

We've learned to expect nothing less from our buddy Jack Carter. He's one of my favorites to laugh at on these boards.

Jack all class as always...

Who beat up Quincy Rice?

Jack Carter - You're looking at her face, guys.


Don't you suckers know how to look into a woman's eyes to see her soul? You still can't get past a woman's deceptive, superficial reactions?

ok, mystery.

WTF ever if it gets to the point where I am thinking about their soul then things have gone too far. I am a SINGLE dad, coach, and fighter. I have no time for trying to figure women out. Fuck looking into her eyes... But all that aside, Ricky was hurt bad and I was scared for him and with all of the critisizm I have taken on this board it is nice to see someone that is so clearly an asshole, kind of makes me feel not so bad~lol... Jack Carter you really are a peice of shit though for saying that. And I bet you THINK that you know a lot more about women than you really do also.

 WTF!! you want Carter Banned for making a post???? the rest of you need to stop being a bunch pussai (the plural of puss)

He made a comment and some people thought it was funny, others thought he was an ass. I'm glad i got to read it.

The forum is a look inside your own soul. Carter looks like he got fucked over by a lot of souless bitches and is lashing out. Better to post here than go stuff a hooker in his trunk.

I say keep the free speech going. (typical ug response: BLah blah blah this is a private website, the owner can ban whatever he wants...blah blah blah)

Hatton and PacMan are warriors and we as pussai in our parent's basements can make fun of whoever we want. Do i have to put the Theodore Rooosevelt quote here or can you just google it?

MMA.TV for life and Johnny Kage Dot Com for eternity!!!

I am a SINGLE dad, coach, and fighter. I have no time for trying to figure women out.

Then you'll always be a sucker. It takes no time at all to figure a woman out, all you need to do is have some experience with women and some basic intelligence.

And I bet you THINK that you know a lot more about women than you really do also.

Who cares what you bet or think? I know women. You don't have time to know women, you just take their word for it.

Carter looks like he got fucked over by a lot of souless bitches and is lashing out.

In all honesty, I haven't been fucked over & I have never dated a woman that I felt was so soulless or bad that I felt she was a person that I dislike after the break up.

And I have always been the one that broke up with them. Not because I felt they were bad or because they cheated on me, but because I felt the relationships were not going to work.

when can we purchase the Jack Carter Handbook to Understanding Women?

Well, you first need t formulate a base of basic intelligence to work from. So I suggest you go way back and start with "Cat in The Hat". For you, this is going to be a very long journey as reaching the level of common sense alone will be difficult let alone learning how to understand women.

Jack Carter - They showed that bitch in the audience after the KO and the only thing I saw on her face was "Oh shit, time to find a new man to use for his money and fame"

Seriously dude, your a fucking prick.

Jack Carter - You're looking at her face, guys.


Don't you suckers know how to look into a woman's eyes to see her soul? You still can't get past a woman's deceptive, superficial reactions?

 Obviously you are lying.  We all know women don't have souls.

Seriously dude, your a fucking prick.

"You're", imo.

Hard to take you seriously when you spell like a 3rd grader.

Ah so you are incapable of writing that book then.

Epic Joke Fail.

Sorry, it doesn't work when I say that YOU have to formulate a base of intelligence. Better luck next time.

Jack Carter - 
Carter looks like he got fucked over by a lot of souless bitches and is lashing out.

In all honesty, I haven't been fucked over & I have never dated a woman that I felt was so soulless or bad that I felt she was a person that I dislike after the break up.

And I have always been the one that broke up with them. Not because I felt they were bad or because they cheated on me, but because I felt the relationships were not going to work.

Ok, now I know he is trolling.

Ok, now I know he is trolling.

Not everyone is a sucker in life. When you come across someone who's not a sucker, take the time to learn from them instead of calling them trolls. Otherwise, you'll always be a sucker

It wasn't a joke.

Oh man, then I have to chalk it up to sheer stupidity. But good on you for outing yourself as an ignoramus rather than a bad joke teller.