LOL @ Hatton's Wife

Another Epic Joke Fail.

Posty Magee was funny posting that vid.

You resorting to it after your jokes failed epically is just desperate and, honestly, very pathetic.

Jack you really need to find your happy place.

My happy place is where dumb people tell bad jokes. What thread will you appear on next?

Lashing out at everyone on your failed thread....

This coming from a guy who is spending his time on this "failed thread"? Can you be any more idiotic?

 if she was actually a pure golddigger she would be happy that hes potentially brain dead. So she could take all his cash.


I doubt you have a happy place

I just told you that my happy place is where dumb people tell bad jokes. You're very entertaining.

What does me being on the thread have to do with you lashing out on your failed thread?

What does me "lashing out" on MY thread have to do with you spending your time on this "failed thread" (you can't even get that right, dummy)?

Keep the posts on this "failed thread" of mine coming. You're proving to be a real winner!

A concerned wife is LOL to you?

You have zero reading comprehension skills. I never said she was concerned.

Kinda sad that you get humor out of suffering.

It's very sad that this interweb posts offends you so much that you are compelled to waste your time to respond to it. Get a life, buddy.

 They've known each other since they are 5 years old.  She's his fiance.

Just reading TS's comments, shameful.  Makes you realize how fucking ignorant people are out there.

Congrats TS, you're a fucking dickhead.

They've known each other since they are 5 years old.

yeah she knows him so well that she had no clue he was a professional boxer

But you're acting like by him being knocked out, he just lost all of his money

Money is only half of the equation.

That makes no sense.

That's because you don't understand what's being said.

The whole idea behind your thread is idiotic. Yet you're calling everyone else an idiot.


You already proved that you can't even get the idea behind the thread, so you deciding if it's idiotic is laughable.

Stop trolling.

Any other irrelevant statements you care to make? Want me to stop fishing on the moon as well? Maybe you'd also like me to stop using wizardry as well?

Get a hobby.

You are on my thread, squirt.

Move out of your parents basement.

Bwahahahahaha! I own a home and I'm in the process of purchasing another home in Las Vegas.

How hilarious!

My god. You are dense if you think anyone believes you. My wife and I are getting a good laugh out of this thread as we buy our 17th house on our own island and all of our mistresses threaten suicide when we tell them to leave.

We need a massave facepalm gif.

My god. You are dense if you think anyone believes you.

LMFAO! Not only did I not create this thread to create believers, but others have already agreed with me.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

My wife and I are getting a good laugh out of this thread as we buy our 17th house on our own island and all of our mistresses threaten suicide when we tell them to leave.

What a poor attempt to be witty.

We need a massave facepalm gif

LOL @ "massave"

What a joke.

Man where was I when this troll thread began, I love ill-guided misogynist fag festivals!

Man where was I when this troll thread began

Obviously it doesn't matter because you have nothing to say then just like you'd have nothing to say now.

Grow up

Jack Carter - They showed that bitch in the audience after the KO and the only thing I saw on her face was "Oh shit, time to find a new man to use for his money and fame"

"That Bitch"

Nice dude. She is upset that her fiance just got violently knocked out and you call her a bitch. Classy.

 she is pretty fuckin hot.......

It was a bad KO. I didn't see what the Jack dude saw.

If I got KO'd like that, my wife would have had a coronary. Seemed normal to me. I'm not married to Hatton and I was worried about his a$$.

 Seriously really?

I thought Hatton still lived kinda middle class and spent a lot of time in his old neighborhood with his family. I doubt his wife thinks he's some loser because he got knocked out by the best fighter on earth right now.

Just because you have nothing to offer a hot broad and can't get one doesn't mean they are all gold diggers.