With a broken leg. That was so utterly embarrassing and he might have even lost 75% of his white Oakley wearing tribal tat fanboys with that display. I get he’s obnoxious before a fight but in that scenario, that was sad. You can only go to the “I did it to sell tix” well so many times before it’s clear you’re actually that pos.
He’s trash, filthy rich but still utter white trash! He’s proven it many times and will continue to do so. Glad to see him getting his ass kicked, no way was he winning that fight the way it was going. He was sucking wind already and taking a beating
Come on. He didn’t really lose due to Poirier. It was a doctor stoppage on a fluke ankle break. That fight wast pretty good though. Action from the top and the bottom. Props to both.
Conor can’t stay relevant by fighting anymore, the only thing he has is trash talking, Khabib and his boys completely broke the whole macho tough guy act too.
Oh come on. He had great leg kicks. He had a guillotine attemp. Multiple elbows from the bottom. Several up kicks. He was doing his part. He wasn’t really dominanted.
Conor fully expected Dustin to be the nice guy on the mic and he was like no thanks. Not getting another hall pass. So when the broken shittalker got shit talked to him in that position he melted down. Talking about his wife in DMs as she walks off holding the guy who beat you twice and ended your last but of aura
Fuck me, his leg was shot, along with his cardio, and Dustin was just beginning tee off, just like the 2nd fight…if you don’t think Dustin is smoking him in round 2 then it’s one of two things…
you can’t be objective, and have Conors balls so far down your throat that you’re gagging, depriving your brain of oxygen
you know nothing about fighting
Not sure which option is worse, but pick your poison playboy.