LOL @ The UFC still trying to push Maycee Barber!

Whole story is posted in above

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Imagine walking into a place in Colorado to learn BJJ and this is what you get. 2 chicks, no cup and a whole lot of confusion as your instructors.

You know you have some legit questions to ask about how reputable a BJJ place is when the person (girls in this instance) teaching the class doesnt refer to themselves as professor.

One of the members here went to check them out and they cowered behind locked doors and called the cops. They had challenged anyone to come and test their belts.


That was the biggest win of Trap’s career.

Don’t diminish it.


The UG is “The Authority”
when we believe someone we suspect has a Fake BB,
And we have some of the best detectives in the game, for finding the truth…

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That would be amazing. Can you help me out with a link? Do you remember the title of the thread?


Evilgumby was the cats screen name, the thread was something like ‘I’m waiting outside of Gracie ft collins waiting for them to open’ if you search the BJJ forum for ft collins it will come up.


Ok, will do. Thank you for your help.

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Was there a thread on this?

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Thanks bro

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Found it!
