Looking for a good Electrical muscle stimulator

Lost an arm so I need a way to workout my lats, neck, chest, shoulder and lower back. EMS is my only option. An suggestions on a good one to purchase?? Do they work.


Thanks bro.
It’s a spinal cord injury so my chest, shoulder and arm are paralyzed on the left side. I just chopped the arm because it was useless. I checked the stimulator out and I guess they don’t build muscle. So I need to find another way to build muscle in my lat and neck. Can’t grab anything to work them.

Any advice would be great

Awesome info.

No chance on bridging. No chance on chest. I’ll be getting chest/pec implant soon. Scary the muscles are wasting away.

I might hop on the calve machine and just shrug my shoulders up and just hold the weight static.

My big concern is the lats.

I’ve been doing dumbbell deadlifts for lower back and when the gyms open I’ll do back extensions.

My only option for the neck other then what I said is leaning over the bed and holding it static for some time. I’m not allowed bridging or any weighted movement.

I was completely paralyzed from the neck down but got most of it back. luckily.

Just trying to stop the muscle decay.

Thanks again