Luke Thomas - MMA Fighting.

He knows us to well. Here he is tweeting about us:


Seriously, what will the UnderGround diehards do with themselves when they can't debate who WOULD win rematch w/ Bravo & Royler?

He's great. Big fan when he was on mma live. Phone Post 3.0

Mma uncensored live* Phone Post 3.0

I don't get the hate he's been really nice to me Phone Post

BrattMamley - I like him. Listen to his chat wrap every week. Phone Post 3.0

I do as well, although I am pretty sure he backed out of his 'chat wrap up' this friday for the second time in a row! The idea of the chat wrap up is that every friday he will answer the questions he didn't have a chance to get to on the wednesday's chat wrap.

best in the biz.....for those that white knight helwani touting his interviewing skills, thomas makes ariel look like a rank amateur

"Fowlkes left mma fighting because of Luke."


tell me more

Luke is awesome. Intelligent, informed and articulate. The crew that Ariel Helwani puts together for his MMA round table is excellent. Luke, Mike Chiappetta and Chuck Mindenhall from espn are all fantastic and put on an excellent show.

Luke has also done some fantastic work covering wrestling. A couple of years ago he did some great interviews in NYC with some wrestling legends like Dan Gable. It was rare and appreciated.

JimmersonzGlove - 

What is a live chat? A throwback to aol chat rooms? Phone Post

On Weds at 1pm est on he does a live chat answering questions and giving his thoughts on topics fans ask.

90 minutes long, usually get 300-700 comments, he answers the ones that get rec'd and turn green.

Then because lately there are so many comments he cant get to them all he does a wrap up on Friday but he hasnt done that the last few weeks.

I never watched them though but I usually tune in on Weds.

He is not a commentator. He's very level headed in his critique and is very elloquent. An asset to MMA fighting.

He has a pretty solid beard. Not great, but it's a steady player in the beard world. Not at Billy Mays' level, but it's levels above that patchy salt and pepper mess that George Clooney pretends is a beard these days.

Step off George, leave the facial foliage to the Alpha dogs like Billy. Phone Post 3.0

I think Luke is a smart, talented journalist. But I also think he across as being smug and arrogant in videos.

MoomBah - 

He knows us to well. Here he is tweeting about us:


Seriously, what will the UnderGround diehards do with themselves when they can't debate who WOULD win rematch w/ Bravo & Royler?

He makes his living in MMA, but mocks the MMA community. Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

Lynchman - 
MoomBah - 

He knows us to well. Here he is tweeting about us:


Seriously, what will the UnderGround diehards do with themselves when they can't debate who WOULD win rematch w/ Bravo & Royler?

He makes his living in MMA, but mocks the MMA community. Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

He believes he can hence the elitist remarks he gets from some people.

MoomBah -

He knows us to well. Here he is tweeting about us:


Seriously, what will the UnderGround diehards do with themselves when they can't debate who WOULD win rematch w/ Bravo & Royler?

I doubt it's in response to this thread. It's been pretty positive about Luke in the main.

Like I said to begin with, I'm a big fan of what I've seen thus far. Phone Post 3.0

He is no Ben Fowlkes. Phone Post 3.0

I was sort of involved with the whole Shane Carwin/Luke Thomas/Jason Genet bullshit.  Though that was years ago and I seem to forget what my part in all of it was.  It basically boiled down to I didn't like how he acted like his shit didn't stink and was bashing Carwin without any proof of Carwin using PEDs, other than the name S. Carwin showing up on a list of people who accepted what COULD have been PED's.  Nothing about it was certain, but he acted like it was. I got dragged into it because I asked Dana a question about the whole mess (something about whether or not he knew about Shane taking PED's, and Dana responded with a "FUCK Bloody Anus")  Their entire forum members at the time (Everyone called them BElitists because of how high and mighty they acted compared to Sherdog or the UG) took what me and Dana talked about as if I was some how ratting out BE and Luke.  That wasn't the case at all, I just hated to see someone whose Ego had been stroked since writing for that site bash a decent fighter.


And yes, Luke Thomas is a prick. So is his assbuddy, that childish prick named Kid Nate.  There are some newer fans who don't get it and think that whole site is cool and everyone involved there are awesome guys.  Far from it. You try calling out these egomanics on their bullshit and they block or ban you.  Kid Nate is the worst, but Luke got where he's at today because of all the ego stroking he received while with BE.  I'm serious when I say this, but Kid Nate was sucking that dude's cock.  He had to have been.  No other way of explaining away the amount of ball stroking he was doing for Luke.  Luke is one of the most condescending pricks I've ever met in all of MMA.


Ask Shane Carwin, he'll verify all this shit.

Also, whoever said Luke Thomas has more charisma than Joe Fuckin Hogan is a dipshit and completely ill-informed. 


I'm telling you, the only difference between Luke Thomas and Josh Gross is that Josh got his start by being one of the first and only MMA fanboy's to see a future in writing for the sport, as long as he could convince people he was a legit journalist.  Luke is actually a journalist, but if he (or any of these so called journalist who cover MMA) were any good at what they did, they wouldn't cover MMA for next to no money, they would be working for Yahoo or ESPN or a decent blog (I know, I know, there is no such thing as a decent blog) covering one of the big 4, MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL. 


I mean, Josh and Luke even have the same beard for god's sake. 

Goddamn you can tell who has followed this sport for a long time and who has only followed for a couple of years just by the ball licking going on for Luke Thomas.  Ask anyone who has followed MMA for more than 5-7 years, they will tell you this Luke Thomas motherfucker is a condescending prick.  He, subtly at times, rips the very sport he writes for.  The one redeming quality about him is his hate for pro wrestling.  I can admire that.  But everything else about the guy is fake pretentious bullshit.  Yes he's a very good journalist.  But who gives a shit about that when the motherfucker hates everything about it that doesn't fit his mold, his idea of what a sport should be.


And to those assholes who keep ripping on Ariel for not going off on UFC when he should, and who think Luke totally would..... He hasn't yet.  And he won't.  Just like Ariel won't, or anyone else who doesn't write for some shitty blog.  But at the same time, where are the articles ripping Bellator?  And I'm not even talking about the fighters who are getting screwed over who are in the media right now.  No, that would be too easy.  I'm talking about why not one journalist is questioning why it is that Djork says one thing, but does another.  Or why it is that Viacom sits on 6 fucking Billion Dollars in cash, yet they can't afford Jon Fitch, or they can't pay for better fights.  It's  not even about them not matching or them matching.  It's about 6 fucking Billion Dollars means you can OUT FUCKING BID the UFC for fighter services.  Where is the articles calling Djork or Kevin Kay out about that?  Cause I've been around long enough to remember several articles written about UFC and each one of those hack who wrote those stories asked the same question "UFC makes all this money, why can't they pay out more of the profits to all fighters".  As if following the sport from your fucking basement for more than a few years and writing a few articles about it and interviewing a few fighters automaticaly means you have a complete and total understanding of how this business works. 

Ah....I digress.  I just went off topic and that's a huge no no here in the UG.