m hughes vs cung lee in san shou

No way do I have the energy to debate all these points, I'll have to address just a few.

"I'm not 'attacking' Brian. I just find it distasteful to talk badly about a guy who beat you by unanamous decision."

Wow, Cung Le decisioned a guy who was having his first ever striking match. What an animal. That world championship really means something. I'd like to pit a first-time mmaer against chuck, silva, randy, shogun, jackson, belfort, ortiz, arona, lilnog, overeem, forrest or babalu and the only "decision" would be the doctor's to stop the fucking fight before the poor sap is paralyzed. And that's just an ad-hoc top ten in one weight class. Hughes pretty much is in a three-way tie for first in his own weight class (I still think Penn will beat him and GSP though) with two of the top pfp guys.

"Also you only have a few seconds in the clinch to score a takedown."

Yeah, because Matt needs a long time to set up his takedowns. Did you see the second Trigg fight. After he broke out of the RNC, he picked Trigg up from the ground which is super hard to do. Ask Sakuraba or Zinoviev what damage a hard slam can do to a person.

"Have you ever trained with Cung? Do you have any idea who he has fought? Or even what grappling background he has?"

Yeah, he won states in freestyle/graco. Wow. Any national ranking he HAD was in greco (which our country is not exactly known for (which makes Lindland that much more of a stud)) and at the espoir/junior level. Not nearly the same thing as being an all-american in collegiate wrestling.

As a side note-
Brian has a green name. He has very good mma record and stepped up to fight in a new discipline against a "world champion" (no, not OMA, but I give those two belts as much respect). If Cung Le is the animal you say he is, you must give props for this, instead of posting photos to illustrate one side of the argument.

Heeb I think your logic is flawed. MMA and Sanshou are not that disimilar especially for a MMA fighter with a wrestling base. Sanshou is striking w/ takedowns & throws, At it's base it's essentially standup MMA.


Hughes is not known for greco slams. He usually does leg pickups and that's much harder in san shou

that's still ignoring the fact taht san shou requires good striking

DARE GREATLY It is not the critic who counts; nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt

god bless teddy!

and hughes hand's are plenty good

and comparing triggs takedown defense to cung lee's is simply ludicrous!

trigg is a top notch wrestler

cung is not

Wasn't Cung Le a Cali wrestling state champion?

Yeah he was a state champ, but Hughes was an all-american. And Trigg had maturity issues and quit wrestling in college but obviously was pretty fucking good (he was an olympic finalist). And Pierre is as good a wrestler as those guys because he trains with the Canadian olympic team...and...and...and they would all take down Cung Le at will. EOT (end of thread).

Okay you convinced me. Matt Hughes would wreck shop! And Mike Tyson would beat the shit out of everyone in K-1 or MMA because noone can punch like him.




jizpac!! Ohhhh, they were the days...