Machida's new 'Silver Star' walkout tee (pic) 

 Silver Star Casting Co. talks about company

 Flames and Dragons. Awesome.

 This one is way better. I am still waiting for it to come out though.

 He will be rockin' that Silver Star shirt @ UFC 104

walkout pee imo

Shogun will be Champ.. Good luck to Machida but lets see how good he can counter strike when he gets his head lit up like a X Mas tree...

How well.. I don't want the grammar police on me! haha

 Does that shirt come with a free pack of YuGioh cards?

triphelin -  Does that shirt come with a free pack of YuGioh cards?

 HAHAHAH good one lol

Im willing to pay for the address of where these shirts are stored so I can use up all of this lighter fluid I bought after seeing that picture.

I don't even know what that is... Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.. I don't think Machida and Anderson are the best ever like some of you.. I think Shogun and Vitor will knock their fuckin' heads off.. I might be wrong but I don't care... I'm no fair weather fan and if you wanna talk shit on me cuz of my join date then fire off!!! You should at least wait till they fight.. I should scalp you...

I'm a legendary poster from another website.. If you can guess my other screen name I'll tell you who I am.. I'm bout to join this site though full time.. Do you take credit cards or big faces UG?




mma clothing. speculative bubble rather than growth industry imo.

 ^^yes, quite possibly the case

That's clever. They put a dragon on the t-shirt.

What a fucking terrible shirt.