Machida's new 'Silver Star' walkout tee (pic)

All these shirt designers need to be drawn and quartered.

ZeroTime - That's clever. They put a dragon on the t-shirt.

And yellow cause of the urine he drinks.

 back of the shirt:

It looks like someone threw up all over a black shirt, and then tried to get the shirt clean by bleaching it.

Most of these MMA walk-out shirts are absolutely dreadful.  I realize that a large portion of the MMA fan base loves these MMA "lifestyle" shirts (liberal use of skulls, guns, dragons, grim reapers, catchy "you'll tap out or black-out, bitch" phrases, etc), but to me, it just says that a large portion of the fan base has little-to-no style or fashion sense.

Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

I like about 5% of the MMA related clothing I see. This falls into that other 95%.

BrooklynZoo - It looks like someone threw up all over a black shirt, and then tried to get the shirt clean by bleaching it.

Most of these MMA walk-out shirts are absolutely dreadful.  I realize that a large portion of the MMA fan base loves these MMA "lifestyle" shirts (liberal use of skulls, guns, dragons, grim reapers, catchy "you'll tap out or black-out, bitch" phrases, etc), but to me, it just says that a large portion of the fan base has little-to-no style or fashion sense.

u gave me an idea

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ranier wolfcastle - 
BrooklynZoo - It looks like someone threw up all over a black shirt, and then tried to get the shirt clean by bleaching it.

Most of these MMA walk-out shirts are absolutely dreadful.  I realize that a large portion of the MMA fan base loves these MMA "lifestyle" shirts (liberal use of skulls, guns, dragons, grim reapers, catchy "you'll tap out or black-out, bitch" phrases, etc), but to me, it just says that a large portion of the fan base has little-to-no style or fashion sense.
u gave me an idea

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LMAO it looks like the shirt!



That shirt would be perfect camouflage in a country dense with vomit-forests

I see now that ranier beat me to it, and with better form

Somehow I can smell the vomit from that picture...

 "Im willing to pay for the address of where these shirts are stored so I can use up all of this lighter fluid I bought after seeing that picture"

How Ive felt for years.

The best is when you realize that there are "fans" who will be dissapointed with that shirt for not being loud enough for them. It needs even more tastleless and boastful bullshit to truly cater to the needs of todays modern 'bag.

Oh and these shirts cost like 65 bucks too.

That might just be the best part of it all.

Remember when it started with a simple tapout logo on a black tee?

That was cool because if you saw someone with it you had an instant friend because vbery few people knew shit about the sport. Now if you see someone with these "collage of shit" shirts theres almost a guarantee they know nothing about MMA.

Only two types of people wear this stuff. Pro's that are paid to. And the "casual fan"

 the colors are a little crazy, but I'm a big fan of blacks, greys and dark blue.

 "MMA "lifestyle" shirts (liberal use of skulls, guns, dragons, grim reapers, catchy "

I love the skull shirts, lol.....but that was more like the affliction lifestyle....I hated them when they first came out, but I wore a few and I liked how they felt.

Sucks that they because mainstream though.

tap out or black out lmao

screw you mma clothing companies!!

ranier wolfcastle - 
BrooklynZoo - It looks like someone threw up all over a black shirt, and then tried to get the shirt clean by bleaching it.

Most of these MMA walk-out shirts are absolutely dreadful.  I realize that a large portion of the MMA fan base loves these MMA "lifestyle" shirts (liberal use of skulls, guns, dragons, grim reapers, catchy "you'll tap out or black-out, bitch" phrases, etc), but to me, it just says that a large portion of the fan base has little-to-no style or fashion sense.
u gave me an idea

