Machida's new 'Silver Star' walkout tee (pic)

There is no substitute
for the ultimate
is whats in store
bear witness
to the fitness of the
modern warrior

BOOM another hit is landed
BOOM another hit is landed

the stealth of a sniper
the strength of a viper
the training
the challenge
the ultimate fighter

you're gonna get hit
you're gonna get knocked out
you're gonna feel it
this is the ultimate

lmao that vomit picture is spot on.
You can now sell mma shirts too.

 not cool.. at all

 WOW, i guess it's pretty clear; UG'ers hate the shirt!

Wow. That is almost as ugly as the rhino motercycle dragon shirt.

At least they are saying they are an MMA clothing company and not a gear company. They have some shirts etc but clearly they sell t-shirts and designs.

There is nothing wrong with that. Some of them are cool. I myself won't be wearing one because I think 65 dollars for the shirt it more than I am willing to pay for them. That's my choice though.

They have better quality than the KTFO shirts in graphics at least. I'm not a big fan of the light cotton weight of the shirt though.

Nothing wrong with having a shirt that your fave fighter walks out in. Heck, the BFL, and the NHL and NBA make tons off shirts.

Affliction clearly made the blueprint for their style and design of the shirt.

Heck, Tapout and Sprawl paved the way for their idea of sponsoring fighters.

It's the latest trend. Something new will come. Until then, best of luck guys!

How about just a name with a small symbol, maybe incorporated into a triangle or the old Nike swoosh...

...oh, never mind.

 ^^actually it's $44

kinda ghey

JT42382 -  ^^actually it's $44

This might make a difference for me. I'd pay 45 bucks for a t-shirt like that I guess where I would not have paid 65 for the affliction shirts.

However, I would only do that if I went to an event and buy it as a momento.

 that shirt makes my ears hurt.

 ttt 4 the occasion

why is it that all MMA t-shirts look the fucking same?

I mean, there are some variations in style and color, but for some reason there's just something about them that seems so similar.

I don't know if it is the font, or the highly prevalent skull theme, but seriously, if you own one MMA shirt, you own them all. The only thing different is the name on it.

that thing is.......

 UGers are waaaaay to cool to support MMA t-shirt companies.  It's much cooler to support Izod and tommy hillfiger or whatever you fags are wearing nowadays.


ugly shirt



Jahmal - UGers are waaaaay to cool to support MMA t-shirt companies. It's much cooler to support Izod and tommy hillfiger or whatever you fags are wearing nowadays.

its not like that, there are way better and discrete stuff mma related.
