Mark Hughes back to UFC!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008 - by Ken Pishna -



It has been more than eight years since former UFC welterweight champion Matt Hughes and twin brother Mark have competed in mixed martial arts at the same event. That era, however, may soon come to an end.

Matt, in a pre-fight media conference call for UFC 85 on Thursday, was posed a question he didn’t expect, that being about the possibility of his brother returning to the Octagon.

“This is an unexpected question,” said Matt, the elder brother – by five minutes – of the Hughes twins. “I do know that Mark is going to sign a contract with the UFC where he won't compete for anybody else. And that'd be right here coming up. That's all I can really tell you. That's all I can really comment on,”

Mark sports a 6-2 professional record in MMA, including a win at UFC 28, but hasn’t competed in nearly five years. Apparently poised for a return, Matt says that Mark doesn’t have a fight lined up yet, but is adamant about his return to the Ultimate Fighting Championship, a place Matt has called home for several years.

“There's no fight scheduled (for Mark), but he is going to sign a contract with the UFC to fight for them and nobody else."

Of course, with the twin brothers under contract, the obvious question is if they will compete on an upcoming fight card together. On that issue, Matt was less certain.

While he indicated that he would like to fight on the same event as his brother, Matt said, “To be honest, we tried that in the past with the old owners and they just never went for it. But that's been six, seven years ago probably. So, we'll just see what comes out of it. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Hopefully if it does, it'll be in the Midwest there somewhere.”

With the sport now under sanctioning across most of the United States, including Illinois and Missouri, there has been speculation that the UFC will soon operate an event in either Chicago or St. Louis. So it appears that Matt’s hopes of fighting in the Midwest, with his brother, has now become a distinct possibility.

go marky mark

Marky Mark isn't such a good nickname. How about Marky Pedophile.

 same breakfast ! Different day.

 Country Breakfast is taking over!

He's been out of MMA for 5 years and receives a contract from the UFC?  It's cool that he is fighting again, but I would have thought he had to pay his dues all over again to see if he is worthy of the UFC contract.  I only say this due to Zuffa trimming their roster.

CRE - 
annihil8torz - 

He's been out of MMA for 5 years and receives a contract from the UFC?  It's cool that he is fighting again, but I would have thought he had to pay his dues all over again to see if he is worthy of the UFC contract.  I only say this due to Zuffa trimming their roster.

You must not understand the concept that another organization could make it seem very easily like it was Matt Hughes fighting, even it says Mark Hughes, their names are wayy too close and they look identical, I mean Mark and Matt? Yeah alright that's a great idea, give the twin brother of the greatest WW ever to the competition, to make his return to MMA in another org? After all, they are 100 percent genetically identical, Matt is obviously a genetic freak.

 Good point CRE.

I don't see him making much of a splash. He's 35 years old, he hadn't fought in 5 years and he's only fought once in the last 7 years. He was never particularly dominant when he did fight regularly. The game is already starting to pass Matt by, I can't imagine Mark will be a threat to anyone remotely good.

As to knowing which Hughes brother is really fighting---

Have we ever really known?

 This will dwarf Shamrock vs Shamrock, especially when Mark comes out as an Obama-loving liberal feminist.

If I had a twin brother, I'd come in after having him fight the first two rounds. Then people would think I had amazing cardio.



I always thought that one of the Hughes brothers should make 170 while the other one just walked into the ring at 195.

 Good luck, lol GSP @ 170 and Anderson @ 185...IF mark even makes it that far, which I DOUBT!

The last time I saw Mark at ringside he looked to be about 200+ pounds. He would have to cut a lot of weight to be competitive.

So are we going to see a handicap match with Matt and Mark vs. GSP? If it happens:

Mark's TKO'd in rnd 1 and Matt gets subbed in the 2nd

I don't want to see it.

how about first mma bout between twins?

When the Hughes brothers team up, the only people who lose are innocent middle school girls.

annihil8torz - He's been out of MMA for 5 years and receives a contract from the UFC?  It's cool that he is fighting again, but I would have thought he had to pay his dues all over again to see if he is worthy of the UFC contract.  I only say this due to Zuffa trimming their roster.

Wasn't Ricardo Almeida out of MMA for 3-4 years? and he went straight into the UFC(but he was actually supposed to fight on a smaller show but the show got cancelled) I like Almeida but I don't see anybody complaining about him. Besides Mark probably isn't going to do much in the UFC anyways.

Mark vs Pete Sell on the same card as Matt vs Serra would be pretty sweet due to the whole rivalry thing