Masvidal vs. Wisneiski online now

eEith works well in the clinch, he is not a shooter type wrestler, but his greco is tight....

If anyone cares, the Canadian judge checked in on this thread - give him hell girls!

He is lowotis

Miguel just sold out his own judge. I heart him and will buy him some scotch.

I didnt sell him out really. Not like that. I told him as a judge I expect him to defend his position intelligently.

I scored it a not so close 29-28 for Wisniewski. As soon as the first judge scored it 30-27 for Masvidal, I knew he was gonna get the shaft.

Will take the whiksey though.

My mom says to me that when I was two I would ask my dad for a taste of his 'bhiskey'


Good to see you posting but can't return my calls! Call me bitch!

mas sure made me want him to lose with the pre fight speech. good hands though, on the ground too