Matt Hughes a hypocrit

ok, so he runs around talking shit to Jorge and everybody else on Team Franklin, but gets upset that Rashad was showboating in the ring. He has no right to say anything to Rashad about his fight.

I really hope that Jorge demolishes one of his guys and shits him up. I also find it odd that Matt would be so openely critical of Jorge even though he knows that Franklin and Jorge are good friends and training partners.

How does that make him a "hypocrit"? Do you even know what that word means?

"every time he talks smack he is smiling ear to ear."

right. but that's because every time he talks smack it's more stupid than anything tito has ever said and he knows it. did you hear him trying to talk shit about the sock challenge? damn.

matt needs serious help in that area. maybe pat can bring in shannon sharpe for a seminar or something.

Matt Hughes is just a big bully and a meanie too. And like all bullies and meanies he is really just scared and insecure on the inside and thats why he picks on everyone. He has been picking on all those guys on the show, especially little Jorgie and it's not fair. Someone should tell on him and get him in big trouble and not let him hurt their feelings anymore

I guess to him...

Talking SHIT and Showboating is the SAME...

Same difference to me as well...

As long as you back it up...

And as bad as the fight was...Rashad did have a unanimous D, meaning he won on all 3 judges cards... Warranting his SHOWBOATING...

LOL - Rich Franklin should teach him a lesson and give him Rashad in 2 weeks time...

Matt can say whatever he wants and talk all the shit he wants. Doesn't bother me, it just lowers my opinion of him.

Still, he can't talk all that shit and then start complaining like a little bitch that Rashad was showboating when he beat his fighter. Seems like Matt can dish it out, but he can't take it.

Showboating in the ring during the fight is something that you can only do and get away with if you are on a way higher level than your opponent and dominate him in every way, and even then it is fairly disrespectful.
You can see it in action in several of Ali's fights or a guy like Roy Jones during some of his mismatched bouts.

Some of what Rashad was doing could be considered showboating, maybe thats just the way he fights, to distract his opponent and confuse him, it's not like he broke any rules. His reaction to the big elbow I wouldn't really call showboating, thats more like a way to take the pain and to acknowledge what your opponent has done, same as in the Lawler Lytle fight.

All of you little bitches who are crying about Matt Hughes and how he acts, have any of you ever played a sport? Have you ever been in a locker room? Ever joke around with your FRIENDS? Ever had a close friend who you played a sport with and rubbed it in a little when you kicked his ass at it? You do know that Matt and Jorge and Rich were friends who trained together BEFORE the show right? Stop acting like little girls over this shit.

As for Matt getting upset about Rashad showboating he is probably letting him know that you can only get away with that shit if you are THAT good which he isn't otherwise he would have finished him and put on a more dominant performance. He's telling him to keep his ego in check.

Matt doesn't showboat in the ring, he just jokes around and teases people outside the ring the way most men do when they are involved in sporting activity, it's not something to cry about, it's funny. If you guys lost in a sport and someone joked about it after you would probably break down in tears and run away.

Again, AdrianK, if you are going to talk shit constantly, don't get pissed when someone is showboating. What goes around comes around.

"Rashad's dancing/showboating without doing hardly anything aside from landing a few knees and stuffing a couple takedowns was just pathetic, ugly, and bad for the sport"

Actually, that's what's good about this sport, that's what good about TV, that's whats good about TUF.

Matt is a hypocrite. Matt does it simply to get under someone's skin. Dancing around in the ring after you get popped with an elbow means NOTHING.

I don't like athletes who show boat, but I hate the ones who talk smack even more. Both are ways of getting in the other guy's head, and attempts to belittle, humiliate and anger your opponent. The difference is that the smack talker is doing it in a place where he's more or less free from getting punched in the mouth. When a guy show boats you can basically walk up on him and try to shut him up.

I think both are disrespectful, but at least show boating strikes me as less cowardly.

You guys just don't get that kind of humour I guess. This is getting ridiculus, we are just talking in circles here.

I think you're right, I've never really been a fan of that kind of humor or behavior. I also always liked Frasier more than Ali.

"Showboating in the ring during the fight is something that you can only do and get away with if you are on a way higher level than your opponent and dominate him in every way, and even then it is fairly disrespectful."

So why did Rasheed get away with it last night?

What you don't realize is that many fighters do it after they get hit hard. Its a way of shaking off the pain. Again, you know nothing about this.

Matt doesn't showboat in the ring, he just jokes around and teases people outside the ring

He actually aims to offend. Rasheed did not show boat to offend.

Honestly I thought Rasheed was more trying to be unorthodox and confuse his opponent than show boat.

I agree with everything nottheface has said.

"So why did Rasheed get away with it last night? "

What I meant there Jack is that you get away with it without coming off looking like an idiot because you have demonstrated your dominance which is what showboating is meant to do. If you don't back it up you just look stupid. I didn't mean that you get killed or disqualified or automaticly lose the fight because of it. Getting a decision is a win but not a dominant one in this case.

"What you don't realize is that many fighters do it after they get hit hard. Its a way of shaking off the pain. Again, you know nothing about this."

Actually I clearly said exactly that in my post about the big elbow Rashad took and about the Lawler Lytle fight so maybe I do know something about it.

Perhaps you should work on your reading comprehension skills and make sure you have some idea about what is actually being communicated before shoot your mouth off and display your obvious ignorance for everyone to see there Jacko.

"What I meant there Jack is that you get away with it without coming off looking like an idiot because you have demonstrated your dominance which is what showboating is meant to do."

OK, but I saw it as Rasheed doing it after he got hit. lot of people do that to help them shake it off. It doesn't mean he's "showboating".

Shit, that was the most entertaining part of the fight!

I don't get why your stance on Rasheed isn't simply obeservationally passive. I just watched him do it after taking an elbow during a boring fight and said "Hahahaha. He's trying to play it off but he got hit hard" That's all. No judgement beyond that is necessary, imo.

"Shit, that was the most entertaining part of the fight!"

I would say that was the ONLY entertaining part of the fight.

"His reaction to the big elbow I wouldn't really call showboating, thats more like a way to take the pain and to acknowledge what your opponent has done, same as in the Lawler Lytle fight."

I wrote this in English didn't I Jack? Do you know how to read? You are acting as if you telling me something that I didn't already say before you got here. If you are going to disect my posts and debate the topic you should at least read the entire post and attempt to understand it.

This is what Rob said on mmaweeklyradio

"Rob just explained that a lot of the footage that was spliced together to make it look like he was whining to everyone was a lot of the other fighters coming up to him and asking about the shoulder. He said, "What was I supposed to do, not answer them?" "

"Rob said Matt Hughes said a lot of great things to him after the fight that were not shown. He does not agree with the hate Matt is getting coming off the show."

"Frank Trigg said give Matt Hughes the Benefit of the doubt, because it's still early into the show. Give more time to the EDIT MONSTER to work out the editing."