Mauro is AWFUL.....

 ...I guess I never noticed his over-excited style in PRIDE but on SHOXC it's REALLY fucking annoying.

 "   ...I guess I never noticed his over-excited style in PRIDE"

Did you have the sound on?

 Sakaraba - esq...

BJ > DORKUS -  "   ...I guess I never noticed his over-excited style in PRIDE"

Did you have the sound on?


Quadros really sucks.

"Did you ever think to go to the body when you had him on the ropes?"

WTF kinda question was that?!

Mauro always blew.

At least Goldie has Rogan to reel him in a bit.

 I actually don't mind him. He's goofy, but whatever. He doesn't bug me like Goldberg does.

Mauro is terrible. Way to over the top.
Just showed a friend EliteXc for the firstg time and he said about Mauro: "Is this guy for real?"


Calm down Mauro!

Quadros sucks, but Mauro REALLY SUCKS.

Difference being, Goldberg sounds like a dumbshit sometimes while commentating, Quadros sounds like a dumbshit a vast majority of the time, no matter what he's doing, basically always, he maybe sounds smart for 1 or 2 sentences per broadcast.


 Quadros and Renallo are terrible...together they are almost unwatchable.

it seems noone likes any of the commentators. if you don't like them then mute them!

he was okay when Bas kept him in check.

he makes my ears bleed

stupid cunts

GodzillaFuria - Quadros sucks, but Mauro REALLY SUCKS.

I like Mauro, I think he does a really good job. Quadros has slipped big time, his in ring interviews suck and he has just gone down hill on his commentary.

Mauro looks like a corpse.

The greenish yellow skin color is a bit odd.

Quadros is great as an announcer, imo. The faces he makes remind me of the look I saw on a guys face once when he accidentally pissed on an electric fence though.

When he pointed out Khalidov likes to throw a roundhouse from the mat as opposed to the expected upkick, only to have him actually do that 3 seconds later....I love shit like that.

4pdboxing - Mauro looks like a corpse.

The greenish yellow skin color is a bit odd.

Are you clear on which is which, re: Quadros and Mauro?