Mayweather donating 2 mil to good fight, put cal on Conman

Justin’s act of kindness and selflessness–no matter how misguided it may be–might be the thing that inspires a young revolutionary to build the Africa that you speak of.

You guys are missing the point here. Talking about how much money Mayweather has. How this is a boss move and so on.

Conor said he is pulling out of the fight with Dustin and has a new opponent. Now Mayweather is stepping in offering to give Dustin 2 mil.

There is something bigger going on here guys. Mayweather took a photo with Dana and the owner of Rizen a few days ago.

We might have another Conor vs Mayweather fight on our hands. Which will be awesome and I am 100% here for it.

Who gives a fuck about Conor donating money or Mayweather donating money, that’s just smoke. The fire is the fight announcement that is coming.


Your calves must be huge to be making leaps like this.


You think Mayweather donates 2 mil for the fuck of it?

You think Mayweather insults people for fun?

You think its a coincidence that Mayweather had a photo taken with Dana 3 days ago and now is posting insults to Conor?

You are telling me you think this is not fight promotion?

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Yes x 4 but good for you if this ends up being correct because like I said, you’re pulling it out of air and hope.

Ok so:

Mayweather does not donate 2 mill just for the fuck of it.

Mayweather does not insult people for no reason, he is smart and won’t say your name unless it brings him money. Usually for a fight.

Its most likely not a coincidence.

And it is 100% always fight promotion when a fighter talks shit on another fighter.

I guess if you’re going to go with the exact opposite of what I just said, then sure. I can see you’re about as sharp as a spoon so I’ll just move on.

Well your answer of yes to all four of my questions was clearly retarded so I figured I’d help your retarded ass along a bit by giving you the correct answers.

If people were worried about the legitimacy of Dustin’s charity before, all this attention can only help.

Jesus man, are you ok? First the pygmies have water, but they need to travel something like 3 miles to get it, they don’t have the resources to build wells. Next, they’re learning to farm. If they become self sufficient, what Justin accomplished would be life changing to hundreds of people. Either way, he’s accomplished more in his time on this planet than you ever will. His heart is in the right place, his act of kindness is something very few people understand or can match.


And your theory is so intelligent that absolutely no one else has suggested it or is supporting your idea. Keep pulling shit out of your ass and telling yourself it’s a candy bar though.

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Source on this? Don’t see nothing on Floyd’s social media which he’s never that active on

I’m not seeing this on his Twitter. Is it real?

I havn’t seen the source either. For what it is worth…

Do you not understand that people can learn more from other people outside of their culture when it comes to these types of things? Or are you suggesting if they can’t figure it out themselves they just deserve to die off?

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Once again, Floyd completely alphas McGregor in the most hilarious way possible. Lol

I remember when the UG raised all sorts of money for Justin Wrens charity. It was supposed to go to dig 2 wells or something if I remember correctly. Welp, big shocker… The money disappeared. Knowing all parties involved, who knows who’s pocket it lined, but it sure didn’t end up helping the pygmy people.


is this true? that is awful

That’s talking a pretty big game. I’m going to need a source of information other than “me, I said so”