I am the only one that thinks this? For the level of boxer the Canelo is supposed to be he looked terrible boxing Mayweather. Low percentage of head shots, he had many opportunities to cut Mayweather off and trap him in the corner, there was one point where he clearly had a load right hand that he could have thrown on a cornered Mayweather and didn't. And the final round where everyone and his mother knew Canelo was down on the cards he fought with zero sense of urgency. It's hard for me to swallow this being a legit fight.
deadlysyn, you don't understand what you just saw. floyd is so good that he makes great fighters look amateurish and they get frustrated to the point of believing that they simply don't belong in that ring.
Its cause he was hyped up so much you believed it. Canelo fought one good guy...... Really he only fought one really good boxer........ Bums gettin hyped and yall getting fooled. Money all day.
you just went full retard
what grady said. floyds head and foot movement make it impossible to even initiate punches.
Everybody that Floyd fights thinks they are going to go in there and bully him because they are bigger and stronger. Once they experience his speed, reflexes,timing, and all around incredible talent they are like in deer in headlights.
Did you see how badly canelo wiffed on some of those shots? Simply amazing.
floyd is just that good
canelo struggled against trout, it was hilarious that people thought he was going to knock out floyd.
That Foreman line about boxing being like jazz, in that the better it is the less it's appreciated, is spot on.
lol at fix! Come on man!
grady - deadlysyn, you don't understand what you just saw. floyd is so good that he makes great fighters look amateurish and they get frustrated to the point of believing that they simply don't belong in that ring.This

grady - deadlysyn, you don't understand what you just saw. floyd is so good that he makes great fighters look amateurish and they get frustrated to the point of believing that they simply don't belong in that ring.
To be honest, it really is this. As much as I can't stand him, he is a rare breed. Something that you don't see often in any type of sport. Growing up he was billed as a prodigy, but unlike many prodigies, he not only fulfilled his potential, he very well may have exceeded it. To be honest, IMO someday in the future he will be talked about as one of the pound for pound greatest boxers of all time. He will be in the same discussion as Sugar Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray Leonard, Joe Louis, Mohammed Ali and maybe a few other boxers that I can't think of at the moment when discussing who the GOAT in boxing.
sickdarce - Canelo was dead set on throwing nothing but body punches, it was strange.
dude was timid as fuck, that's why...
at first he thought if he chopped down the body, the head would come to him...
but after a while, he was simply scared to go upstairs.
remember that half of that 1st rd of weidman/silva when chris wasn't doing shit because of the frustration? try 5 rds of THAT.
This thread is made every floyd fight next time be more creative op
Wow just wow.
Majority decision instead of unanimous...WTF?!?
deadlysyn - I am the only one that thinks this? For the level of boxer the Canelo is supposed to be he looked terrible boxing Mayweather. Low percentage of head shots, he had many opportunities to cut Mayweather off and trap him in the corner, there was one point where he clearly had a load right hand that he could have thrown on a cornered Mayweather and didn't. And the final round where everyone and his mother knew Canelo was down on the cards he fought with zero sense of urgency. It's hard for me to swallow this being a legit fight.
So... you're saying he should've sidestepped?
I do think CJ Ross is compromised and that was not simply a "mistake" of scoring. Fighters had nothing to do with that.