Mayweather likes well done steak

AnotherDecision -

Well, depending on how McGregor orders his steaks, I have a pretty clear idea of who I am will now be rooting for in this fight.


Malvert the Janitor -

Cubed steak

Steak Ums

Steak and Eggs

Pepper Steak 

VU for Steak Ums. Are those fucking things still around? 

TheDarkPassenger -
kevind4123 - Op likes milk steaks.
And tubesteak

And bone in circle steak 

^ that could still be a juicy, bloody prime rib on the right

And a1

MagSlim -
DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - I love how someone ca berate another person for having different taste

There is right and wrong in the world that is not a matter of 'taste.'

Some people like to fuck kids, it's their taste. Doesn't make it ok. 

You're stupid as fuck

He's training his jaw.

I thought I made the worst threads

DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite -
MagSlim -
DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - I love how someone ca berate another person for having different taste

There is right and wrong in the world that is not a matter of 'taste.'

Some people like to fuck kids, it's their taste. Doesn't make it ok. 

You're stupid as fuck
Woooooah buddy, fucking kids is NOT OK

I only eat well done steak. I like it when my food resists as I chew it.

You order that in the average eating establishment and the chef is going to give you the worst cut of meat he can find.

gambatte -
DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite -
MagSlim -
DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - I love how someone ca berate another person for having different taste

There is right and wrong in the world that is not a matter of 'taste.'

Some people like to fuck kids, it's their taste. Doesn't make it ok. 

You're stupid as fuck
Woooooah buddy, fucking kids is NOT OK

And neither is well-done steak!

kevind4123 - Op likes milk steaks.

boiled over hard, with your finest side of jellybeans

Its funny. i myelf go through phases were i like my steak super well done. Then out of nowhere ill start ordering mediums.

cheesesteak - Its funny. i myelf go through phases were i like my steak super well done. Then out of nowhere ill start ordering mediums.

You know, there's medication for people like you and Floyd. 

This is a treatable thing, don't be afraid to seek help. 

the_sandman - You order that in the average eating establishment and the chef is going to give you the worst cut of meat he can find.

No he won't, he'll grab the steak closest to him like he always does. Lol @ thinking a chef who gets paid to cook your meal gives a fuck how it's prepared. They don't care, I've worked with plenty. Most chefs aren't streak snobs like the knobs in this thread.

AnotherDecision -

Well, depending on how McGregor orders his steaks, I have a pretty clear idea of who I am will now be rooting for in this fight.


MagSlim -
DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - I love how someone ca berate another person for having different taste

There is right and wrong in the world that is not a matter of 'taste.'

Some people like to fuck kids, it's their taste. Doesn't make it ok. 

Did you just compare eating a well done steak to fucking a kid?

PeterNorth -
DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - I love how someone ca berate another person for having different taste

Then stick around, this is the sight for you! 

Real talk ...