Mayweather likes well done steak

Vrill -
inf0 -
Vrill - 

I work in the restaurant industry, and I can tell you that most black folks like their meat well done. 


Then, they like to complain about how long it takes to cook. 

and you"re racist

Guilty. I guess stating a true observation based on almost 14 years as a restaurant and catering manager makes me a bigot. 

This motherfucker works at Sizzler! Haha! 

Cousin Larry - 

he's like a 12 year old, never had a childhood, his demented punch-drunk family raised him like that


My fren say the same thing, made me have a sad.


Malvert the Janitor -
Vrill -
inf0 -
Vrill - 

I work in the restaurant industry, and I can tell you that most black folks like their meat well done. 


Then, they like to complain about how long it takes to cook. 

and you"re racist

Guilty. I guess stating a true observation based on almost 14 years as a restaurant and catering manager makes me a bigot. 

This motherfucker works at Sizzler! Haha! 

He's right. Well done steak and wings fried hard. Idiots think race and culture are one in the same and it's not. Kentucky rednecks get legit pissed if you refuse to serve the medium rare pork. I grew up around a lot of black farmers who eat steak the same as the white farmers.