Zipplokk is 6’2.
I wish there was a Super Heavyweight division in a top org.
Back in the day McCorkle would have ruled house!!
Zipplokk looks like he has a lifted F-250 and rips people off with his vinyl siding business.
I was once in a random elevator with him and mitrione and I didn’t say anything. Big dude for sure
That is one big white boy. Wish he would have kept on fighting. Wish he still posted here
What is he up to these days. Hope he is well
I asked Zippy if that was a pro wrestling promo & he said no,that Corky was standing on a curb.
Didn’t know baby shit could be stacked that high.
One of my favorite posters ever
Fuck man. That dude was funny
Now we have losers like copy paste ksacks and the pundidiot fucking up the site
How times have changed
I took that pic iirc. Or maybe it was @anon77167750. Dont remember but damn was it a fun day.
Also i’m edited out of that pic in the background lol
Say what?
We can’t have any of that.
Here is Ryann without being edited out.
RIP Rousenoff
6 years later haha
You took the photo and you were in the background?
That doesn’t even look like him. Dudes huge.