McDojo ? you be the judge

PembrokePinesVillain - cool to watch but i vote mcdojo cause anyone that trains TMA is a joke.

I'm a joke then.

 Part of the curriculum was weapons (nunchucks & kendo swords), breaking, as well as kicking targets, striking, joint locks and a little judo. And controlled sparring.

Traditional Korean Dojo. To each his own, if guys want to learn crazy kicks then by all means go for it....

all those guys are athletic as hell and very acrobatic, the problem is TMA's have fallen into the idea that the better you are at Gymnastics the better you fight

I was a gymnast for 10 years and tho its probably the best thing you can start your child doing as far as giving him or her a platform to excel in ANY fuckin sport they want to do later... its not fighting

i always wonder what would happen if you use these kicks on UFC, i mean it will shock the bejesus out of the other guy...

You guys didnt watch all the footage. They do a very weak version of Aikido that is seriously laughable. Some things that they do in the vid are athletic and acrobatic some are hilarious and some are just disgusting.

lelo - i always wonder what would happen if you use these kicks on UFC, i mean it will shock the bejesus out of the other guy...

no it wont... if u try to do a spinning double cresent deluzxe huracanran kick on a guy in a real fight it wont hurt him, non of that crap has power behind it, or practicality, its just fancy showmanship. all youd end up with is a broken foot and a concusion if u tried that in mma.

I don't see any "gold member" programs or "get your black belt in 2 years" promos, so this is legit for what it is.

esila - I don't see any "gold member" programs or "get your black belt in 2 years" promos, so this is legit for what it is.


You've failed many of life's tests haven't you?

Look at the last testimonial on this page.

s2cuts - 
esila - I don't see any "gold member" programs or "get your black belt in 2 years" promos, so this is legit for what it is.


You've failed many of life's tests haven't you?

Look at the last testimonial on this page.

LMAO SHe can whip your ass then make you some cookies

thetrollsmasher - O and LMAO @ him hitting a steel punching bag!

Where is that? i can't find it.

IMO no.

You can argue that the martial art of choice is a good one or not but it seems they study the chosen art pretty well.

That's pretty ninja

 My schools instructor, Lincoln Oviedo, was really into diversifying our training, so he started a special course. We had Dan Severn come in and train take-downs and submissions. At that point we started doing some BJJ. The senior black belts wouldn't even roll with us. I assume they were afraid to look bad.

6 months later my instructor left Grandmaster Kwon and started his own mma school.

 Lincoln Oviedo received a black belt from karate hall of famer Joe Lewis. When Joe visited the school to test Lincoln, they had to spar full-contact for 3 rounds. And Joe's rule was you could only take one step away from him. One side step, one backward step, but one step. You were forced to engage.

"And Joe's rule was you could only take one step away from him. One side step, one backward step, but one step. You were forced to engage".
Damn! 3 round's of joe lewis with ^^this^^ stipulation.

 That's why he only has a handful of black belts under his hybrid system ;-)

King of the Demo

 He has many other acrobatic feats.

 Now this old dude would whip everyones ass.