McDojo ? you be the judge

Looks like a good place for a serious student of tournament-style sport kata performance.

What a bunch of hwardos.

That was cool as hell.

It's just ineffective for MMA.

 Very very cool stuff.  Lol at the douches on this site disrespecting any martial art.  Get off the couch, put down the potato chips, log off the computer, breathe some fresh air, and take a TKD class.  Best thing most of those idiots could do. 

pretty cool kicks we should send in TPK to challenge him

This is as effective for fighting as ping pong.

If some want to engage in this "activity" more power to them, but it's not martial arts.

Vasechkin - This is as effective for fighting as ping pong.

If some want to engage in this "activity" more power to them, but it's not martial arts.

+1 This isnt martial its just arts. there is no fighting ability to any of this crap

It looks like some of you are having difficulty understanding that within taekwondo you have the sport (Olympic style for WTF, and otherwise for ITF) as well as the martial art.

The awesome demos that you see where people fly through the air and smash boards is purely aesthetic and by no means represents the full content of taekwondo. It is indeed impressive, but you're right that it has almost zero combat application, even within the rules of the sporting side.

I can talk about this until I'm blue in the face, but there will always be people who form their opinions without really knowing anything about any given topic. Before anyone says "I did TKD for 10 years and blah blah blah" keep in mind that you are not always going to find a really good school, the same thing will happen to mma schools as the sport's popularity rises. If it takes you 10 years to realize that you're training in a shitty environment, that's too bad I guess.

Anyways, what I'm basically trying to say is, don't dismiss any one martial art as useless without really looking into it. After all, mixed martial arts came about due to the fact that all martial arts are imperfect on their own and it's best to borrow from everywhere.

And +1 to the guy who said people need to get off their asses and actually go and try out some of the stuff that they knock. You might not become a tribal tattooed multi-coloured hair having cage fighter, but gasp you might have some fun, meet some interesting people, and improve yourself. Keep in mind, in any environment, you get out of it exactly what you put into it.

Good luck and regardless of what martial art/arts you decide to study, enjoy it!

GeeMac10 - Looks like a good place for a serious student of tournament-style sport kata performance.

He's definitely acrobatic, but sport karate forms/xma are a much different animal.

disbeliever - 
Scrimps - Mcdojo or not that man can do some nice flashy kicks.

Agreed. Useless or not in MMA, the man is athletic, in shape and obviously skilled. For TKD he is probabaly thr perfect teacher.

Train him in wrestling, BJJ and MT and I would love to see some shogunesque jumping kicks in the UFC :)

Imagine him giving Jon Jones thouse flashy kicks? That would be sick, it would be like a light heavy Genki Sudo.