McGregor in dark mental place following Makhachev title victory, looks rough

Yeah, screw that billionaire. What a loser! Partying on his new Lamborghini boat with a gaggle of babes and never has to work again. What a loser!

Yes indeed he is a loser


It would be funny but I would prefer to have eternal tweets instead. Force those fucknuts to create a new account if they want to distance themselves from something they said.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: @ billionaire

Conrat can do as much coke and fuck as many prostitutes on his boat as he wants but heā€™s still not right in the head, desperately checking to see if people online are saying bad stuff about him, angrily tweeting about Khabib at 5am, between punching air, old men and raping people. On pace to be a typical washed up celebrity who ends horrifically.

God speed.

Sorry lil buddy wasnā€™t having the best of days. Carry on mate, apologies.

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Yeah, Conor is a loser for making millions, putting his life on the line for the entertainment of the sheep and reading the messages sent to him via social media. Some of you fucks will not attain a fraction of what he has but oh heā€™s such a loser for also being human. Bunch of fucking REAL losers in here harassing someone for lack of something better to do. Jesus Christ.


I know everyone says Khabib ruined him, but I think he truly expected to lose that fight. You could see it in his eyes and body language.

The Poirer fights broke him. He thought he was on another level than him and losing how he did, 2 times, shattered his ego.


I think the fans not adoring him as much after he lost to khabib and then the ufc being all over khabibs nuts really broke him

This is disturbing.

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I think youā€™re right. The Khabib fight definitely hurt him, bent his ego from all the build up and trash talk. He wasnā€™t the same Conor when he walked out against Khabib. But he still had some confidence going into the second fight with Dustin. The Poirier fights broke him completely.

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Weak leg bones truly will lead to the collapse of society

As someone who thinks conor is the most overrated fighter ever, I must concede that he has accomplished more than me. Alot more. I canā€™t stress that enough. He was a world champion and went from nothing to worth many million. Plus heā€™s a world famous & pals around with movie stars. My only close friend is a garbage man, and heā€™s an asshole,
Even a detractor like me must concede that conor is a legend in his own time.
BUTā€¦heā€™s still the most overrated fighter.
More overrated than me even.
Granted thatā€™s only cause Iā€™m rated as shitty which is probably accurate.
But my point still stands.