Me vs Prison Fighter; Need a Venue

WWE_Fighter -  LOL oh yea.

Both of these clowns are a joke.

 Any chance you want to fight James "the clown" Funaro after this fight?

lol He'd better hope to be more than a "WWE fighter". :)

what happened to MMAguy? Did he dicktuck out of his own challenge? I stopped following when he started to speedwobble after Christian accepted his fight offer.

scrappydoo - what happened to MMAguy? Did he dicktuck out of his own challenge? I stopped following when he started to speedwobble after Christian accepted his fight offer.

CD did not accept mmaguy's simple terms.

From: DueceDroppin
Posted: 19 minutes ago Member Since: 9/6/06
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You're right!! This ignore feature is cool. Douchebag!!

scrappydoo - what happened to MMAguy? Did he dicktuck out of his own challenge? I stopped following when he started to speedwobble after Christian accepted his fight offer.

Yeah all of a sudden after countless posts provoking CD, a website dedicated to CD, calling CD's business assosciates, etc. mmaguy decides to hide behind absurd terms to prevent a fight which he instigated.

Suplush - 
scrappydoo - what happened to MMAguy? Did he dicktuck out of his own challenge? I stopped following when he started to speedwobble after Christian accepted his fight offer.

Yeah all of a sudden after countless posts provoking CD, a website dedicated to CD, calling CD's business assosciates, etc. mmaguy decides to hide behind absurd terms to prevent a fight which he instigated.

Holding a microphone and saying "I know know how's taste the ug's big pee-pee" is unreasonable, if he lost? That's what he wouldn't agree to. If he was so confident why not agree?

Maybe because it is stupid and gay? What's more important... The video or the fight he was begging for so badly?

Mr4NIK8R - Maybe because it is stupid and gay? What's more important... The video or the fight he was begging for so badly?

Stupid and gay? Maybe. Funny? Hell yes!

mmaguy30 - Ok... I will fight you.

Catch weight of 220lbs

Anyplace on the eastern seaboard

march it is.

I will put up $2500 of my own cash.

I want the promoter to put up $500 to show for you, and another $500 should you win.

Thats a total purse of $3500 to you if you win.

You win if...

You beat me (ie. KO, TKO, SUB)
it goes to ANY form of decision (decision for me = you win provided you are never warned or penalized for running away)

I now ask the underground to also put up there own cash to help augment the purse. My goal is $10k

If I win I want only 1 thing. no money, no prize, no trophy, I want you to stand (if you can) and take the mic and anounce to the crowd that you are a fraud and a liar, lied about your entire fight career, and say the words "and now i know hows taste the Undergrounds big pee pee"

^^^ That's the original terms. So mmaguy was going to put $2500 of his own money...another $1000 from the promoter...and was going to try to raise an additional $10,000..$13,500 total...PLUS...If it went to a decision and mmaguy was awarded the decision he would consider that a win for CD.
If mmaguy won he wanted "If I win I want only 1 thing. no money, no prize, no trophy, I want you to stand (if you can) and take the mic and anounce to the crowd that you are a fraud and a liar, lied about your entire fight career, and say the words "and now i know hows taste the Undergrounds big pee pee""

.....and somehow those are terrible terms for CD? Where does it get to the point that some of you pull CD's skid marked weiner out of your eyes and see the reality of this?

what ever happened to the days when men were men, fought for honor, pride, bragging rights.
MMAguy and CD need to STFU and just fight without any stipulations = no controversy.


scrappydoo - what ever happened to the days when men were men, fought for honor, pride, bragging rights.
MMAguy and CD need to STFU and just fight without any stipulations = no controversy.


It's called growing up. What happened to those days is you got out of jr. high. Even beyond that, what honor, pride, or bragging rights would mmaguy gain by fighting CD?

DueceDroppin - 
scrappydoo - what ever happened to the days when men were men, fought for honor, pride, bragging rights.
MMAguy and CD need to STFU and just fight without any stipulations = no controversy.


It's called growing up. What happened to those days is you got out of jr. high. Even beyond that, what honor, pride, or bragging rights would mmaguy gain by fighting CD?

You should ask MMAguy......he's the one that called him out. Im not CD nuthugger, infact id like to see him exposed.

scrappydoo - 
DueceDroppin - 
scrappydoo - what ever happened to the days when men were men, fought for honor, pride, bragging rights.
MMAguy and CD need to STFU and just fight without any stipulations = no controversy.


It's called growing up. What happened to those days is you got out of jr. high. Even beyond that, what honor, pride, or bragging rights would mmaguy gain by fighting CD?

You should ask MMAguy......he's the one that called him out. Im not CD nuthugger, infact id like to see him exposed.

You are missing my point. Without CD accepting those terms he has no consequences, and mmaguy has nothing to gain. He is supposed to get beat and he was going to. mmaguy wasn't looking to fight but would fight to get to his goal, which was to get a pee-pee taste video. If that would have happened this situation would have been epic, but CD refused therefore no fight. Understand what I'm saying? I wanted to see mmaguy beat CD's ass as much or more than anyone, but I totally understand what happened and why the fight didn't.

KenBania - When Manny came on here (or his manager or whoever the heck)talking all kinds of shit, Hermes stepped up and fought him for a damn dollar. Nothing else.
Manny showed up to take his beating, and did get beat down, and we all got to see the video. How fucking awesome was that.
We didnt need no fucking peepee shit.
When a badass street fighter was all the rage, popping guys eyes out and such, Gannon said, on here, that he would fight him. And he did. And we all got to see the video, and fucking awesome was that. No gay peepee shit.

<br />
good point!

make it happen dana

KenBania - When Manny came on here (or his manager or whoever the heck)talking all kinds of shit, Hermes stepped up and fought him for a damn dollar. Nothing else.
Manny showed up to take his beating, and did get beat down, and we all got to see the video. How fucking awesome was that.
We didnt need no fucking peepee shit.
When a badass street fighter was all the rage, popping guys eyes out and such, Gannon said, on here, that he would fight him. And he did. And we all got to see the video, and fucking awesome was that. No gay peepee shit.

GREAT!! Out of hundreds of challenges on here you named 2 that worked out. This one could have, but one side wouldn't agree to simple terms. It sucks and I feel your pain, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

"It's called growing up. What happened to those days is you got out of jr. high. Even beyond that, what honor, pride, or bragging rights would mmaguy gain by fighting CD?"

asking a man to say "and now i know hows taste the Undergrounds big pee pee"" is growing up?

Ned Ryerson - "It's called growing up. What happened to those days is you got out of jr. high. Even beyond that, what honor, pride, or bragging rights would mmaguy gain by fighting CD?"

asking a man to say "and now i know hows taste the Undergrounds big pee pee"" is growing up?

It's called humor...Have you ever heard of it? It's a bit different then trying to kick everyone's ass, that doesn't agree with you, or that thinks you're an idiot.

"It's called humor..."

Oh, ok that's where I got lost. i always thought humor meant funny not childish and stupid.
My bad!