Meaning behind your SN?

Mine's is a combined phrase when I asked a Ho, "How much?", and she replied "$52".
52 in Roman numerals is LII, and I have a habit of saying numbers in their Roman Numeral phonetic.
I replied to her "Ho no lii" as I thought she (or maybe he??) was not worth that much.

my middle name.

had the same screen name since highschool, after all the years of drinking i dont think id be able to remember a new one

Subdude-because of my low-key passive nonthreatening demeanor.



I introduced myself to some kids in college. Tang? Like the Wutang clan? Lame, I know.

Wutang Clan ain't nothin to Fug with!

i like that name. it's good fren.

Me thinks mine is self explanatory.

I'm just a stupid cripple.

Never underestimate the power of the handicap

Wutang - I introduced myself to some kids in college. Tang? Like the Wutang clan? Lame, I know.

THIS made me think of THIS....


damn.... that lil girl aint nuttin ta f*ck wit

 children of the corn lookin' buncha kids along with sanjaya creep me out.

sufferingsuckatash - damn.... that lil girl aint nuttin ta f*ck wit

meatrokket - children of the corn lookin' buncha kids along with sanjaya creep me out.

Thats an OLD pic. We caught up with him recently and took THIS photo

JMB was a genius, and I love his piece de'resistance. Have three myself right now, and want more.

My parents actually picked my screen name. Good stuff guys! Keep it coming. I can say if it was up to my Dad, I would have been Reynolds or Reed. He, like Professor Helio, had this thing about him and his kids being named with an "R." Maybe I would have been better at Jits with the other name.

I used to be into Phlisophy in college and thought it was a great name. I used it as a screen name when I used to post at The name just stuck ever since. Then I grew up and realized this whole world is a fucked up place.

I have absolutely no idea why I picked this screen name. For some odd reason it just popped in to my head. I was thinking about senor omoplata but thats just about as stupid as my name now.